
Comments by canny (page 22)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Stripper Phones
    I earn a rather significant amount of non-tracable money because I'm self employed. I report every penny of it on my taxes for several reasons, among them the fact that I like living in a town where the police department is top notch and I'm safe in my house at night. The fact that Al Capone was convicted of income tax evasion and nothing else also helps, but the real reason is because I consume government services and I like having street lights that work, police protection, traffic signals, a military to protect us so that I can enjoy strip clubs, etc.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    stripper vehicals
    It's hard to get a loan when you don't pay taxes because the banks use that as proof of income. How many dancers do you think pay taxes? It's even harder to save up enough money to buy a nice car when you're paid with cash every night too. It takes discipline to stop at the bank and deposit that money before spending it every single day.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Getting the Stripper Smell Off
    Not being married helps a lot too, it makes the smell not so much of a problem.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best Way a Dancer Can Maximize the Visual?
    I've seen a stripper wear a glow in the dark bikini and it looked fantastic. It was very eye catching.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Hmmmmmm, a novel way to make car payments.
    Not just 3rd world countries. Ask the dancers at your favorite club how many of them graduated from high school.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Hottest school teacher I have ever seen.
    I had a couple of very attractive teachers when I was in school. They're out there.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    There is an old joke that between the Baptists and the moonshiners there are some counties in the South that will always be dry. The ultra religious people want alcohol to be illegal because no one should have any fun and the criminals want alcohol to be illegal so they can sell it at ridiculous prices. The same goes for illegal drugs, if there is ever a serious push to legalize anything that looks like it has a chance of succeeding, including marijuana, the drug dealers will invest more money into lobbying to keep the drugs illegal than the churches will. If there is a push to legalize prostitution, I'll bet that organized crime fights hard against it because if prostitution is legalized their profits will go WAY down.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    help me pick...
    I live in Pittsburgh and I had a dancer tell me, "there is prostitution in every club." All that you need to do is ask the dancer of your choice and if she's willing to give extras she'll tell you and she'll tell you what you need to do. Some clubs have one or two rooms without cameras or with broken cameras and in some you have to tip the bouncer to look the other way.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    help me pick...
    I live in Pittsburgh and I had a dancer tell me, "there is prostitution in every club." All that you need to do is ask the dancer of your choice and if she's willing to give extras she'll tell you and she'll tell you what you need to do. Some clubs have one or two rooms without cameras or with broken cameras and in some you have to tip the bouncer to look the other way.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    help me pick...
    I live in Pittsburgh and I had a dancer tell me, "there is prostitution in every club." All that you need to do is ask the dancer of your choice and if she's willing to give extras she'll tell you and she'll tell you what you need to do. Some clubs have one or two rooms without cameras or with broken cameras and in some you have to tip the bouncer to look the other way.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    help me pick...
    I live in Pittsburgh and I had a stripper tell me, "there is prostitution in every club." She told me how to get extras with the dancers who are willing to give extras in two of the local clubs. The hard part is finding a dancer who is willing to give extras.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on Follies Atlanta
    There are always more girls coming in the door to strip. There aren't more strip clubs opening up. The strip club owners can afford to go a week or two without any money coming in, the dancers can't.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on Follies Atlanta
    I have no problems with drinking water in strip clubs. I was told once that I was required to buy a drink and I told the waitress to charge me for alcohol and bring me another water. I was tipping her for the waters by the way. The owner was funny about customers not buying drinks.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on Follies Atlanta
    @rundude, you're right. A dancer told me that a couple of weeks ago she went in on a Monday and it was so slow that she walked out of the club with less than she had when she walked in. That's harsh!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on Follies Atlanta
    From talking with a couple of dancers, every club is different. Unless the dancers get great tips, the clubs keep more money than the dancers do though. I'm tempted to look into what it would take to open a strip club myself, those places rake in the cash hand over fist!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    how far can you go with the strippers?
    It's up to each stripper how far she wants to go. Your mileage will vary depending on what they want to do.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer Hygeine
    How many men don't wash their hands when they're at clubs after they use the men's room...... Stiletto25, I'd do that too if I was you!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    I enjoy it when a dancer does something unusual, and it doesn't matter what. I tip dancers who do things that the other dancers don't do better than I tip the dancers who just do the same thing that the last 10 dancers did. Doing a split on the pole Doing a backbend or a cartwheel Dancing like they're in a normal dance club instead of on stage at a strip club Any good pole tricks Anything that looks like a routine instead of just shaking something It really doesn't matter what you do to me, just do something special that none of the other dancers do.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Camera's in clubs
    Most clubs around here have cameras and they are actively monitored for everyone's protection. I have been told by a couple of strippers that they won't work in a club that doesn't have the cameras.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    JB, I agree with you and I'm much younger than you are. I only get dances from dancers who talk with me first.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Cops love seeing people explain how their cars were stolen from strip club parking lots, especially married men whose wives don't know where they are.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    Use cash only
    When you start drinking too much that discipline goes out the window
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man sues Hustler Club for $28K bar tab
    I've never run up a tab of more than $450! My question is, how did he get home? If he drank that much and he drove home the club is liable for serving him too much alcohol.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    First Security Cameras Installed In West Side Neighborhood
    6 months from now the cameras will be expensive decorations. They'll put too many of them up to monitor and the cops won't be able to check them all so they won't check any.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Titty Sucking Technique
    My "technique" is to watch how many men don't wash their hands after using the men's room and to just say no unless I was one of the first customers that night and I was that dancer's first private dance of the night.