
Comments by farmerart (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    "I Wish I had met you somewhere else"
    The first dancer that I ever took to my home for a weekend sex romp was about 40 years younger than me. It was a jolly weekend. During the drive back to the city the girl told me straight out: "I wish that I had met the 28 year old you. I would have stuck to you like a bad rash." Haven't seen that girl for years now. Last I heard she had taken a straight job, married, and moved to a different province.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Turns out strip clubs aren't the only place with PLs
    @JohnSmith69, Funny you should mention those $100 bills. My first visit to The Canadian Brewhouse was hosted by a guy with a fleet of vac trucks who was trying to get some business from me. Beer flowed freely on the vac truck guy's dime and I was really enjoying the girls. I started teasing our server about giving me a lap dance. She was uber-hot with a tank top full of delicious jiggly flesh. Be damned if she didn't plunk herself down on my lap and give me a short grind. I stuck a C-note in that delicious cleavage in appreciation......true PL behaviour. By the way, the shepherd's pie at The Canadian Brewhouse is killer.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Some guys are just too stupid to get laid by non-dancers
    Attempting an early AM pick-up in an airport bar?.........stupidity compounded by a total lack of simple common sense.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Salma 48
    I know this guy, Pinault. He owns my beloved Chateau Latour, among several other luxury goods companies. I don't care for his current lady. His previous squeeze, Canadian supermodel Linda Evangelista, is infinitely hotter than this Hayek woman.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Turns out strip clubs aren't the only place with PLs
    There is a Hooters-like chain in north central Alberta called The Canadian Brewhouse. Even in the frigid depths of a prairie winter the servers wear micro shorts and teeny tank tops. During evenings and on weekends the servers are of the super-hot class of young woman. Weekdays sees mostly single moms as servers, not always as hot as their evening or weekend counterparts but even these ladies outshine any Hooters girls that I have seen. Food at Canadian Brewhouse is, surprisingly, very tasty. I often patronize The Canadian Brewhouse location nearest to Rancho farmerart. The girls love me. I am the Packard guy. I took my 1948 Packard restoration to the joint last spring and the old car (and me) were the hits of the day with the girls. I took several of the girls for a spin around town and then many girls wanted photos of themselves posing around the old car. Does this make me a PL?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    [OT]: Favorite Cut of Steak
    ^^^^^^ Oops!......The carcass will have been dry aged for 6 week minimum.......
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    [OT]: Favorite Cut of Steak
    No argument with the premise of your discussion topic, motorhead. Steak and potatoes rule in the farmerart kitchen or on the farmerart grill. Where it gets very tricky is choosing a particular steak. What breed of animal? What has the animal been fed? How long has the carcass been aged? Dry aged or wet aged? What cut of steak? How thick a cut? On the bone? Off the bone? Method of cooking? Degree of 'doneness' of the final product? Your preference is the tenderloin....filet mignon on most steakhouse menus. I am a rib eye guy. On the bone. Thick cut. Done rare. Seasoned with salt and fresh ground black pepper. Seared for 2 min on either side in a smokin' hot cast iron frying pan in a mixture of olive oil and butter. Finished for 5-6 min in a hot oven. Tented with aluminun foil for 5 min before eating. The meat will have come from a Hereford or Wagyu, pasture-raised and finished on high protein wheat/barley mix. The carcass will have been dry aged before the loins are cut into steaks. The meat will have never been frozen. Potatoes will come from the farmerart garden.......Yukon Gold or Russian Fingerlings, or Banana.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT question for farmerart: Where the BP disasters inexcusable fuck-ups or just
    Re: fracing First of all, fracing takes place 100s and 1000s of metres below the water table. For example; the water well for my house is much less than 100m. The deepest water table that I ever drilled through for a nat gas well was about 400m (and that was exceptionally deep for water). Wells being drilled at my exploration project this winter are targeting formations close to 3000m deep. As a well is drilled through the water table, the well is cased to prevent water entering the hole. Water mixed with the hydrocarbon stream is a curse. Drillers go to great lengths to prevent groundwater from mixing with the hydrocarbon stream. If the casing is true and the drillers know their business there will never be any interaction between the hydrocarbon stream and the water table once the well starts to produce, be it a conventional hole or a fraced hole. This is not to say that fuck-ups never occur. They do occur but they are very rare. In my province of Alberta the only examples of ground water pollution attributed to fracing have been identified as being caused by human error, not by a failure in the process. Shoddy cement work is the usual culprit.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT question for farmerart: Where the BP disasters inexcusable fuck-ups or just
    I can't comment about BP's culture of safety. I don't know the company. I know nothing at all about the refinery tragedy. However, like all the rest of North America I was stunned by this horrific blowout when it happened. Blowouts like this one are exceedingly rare in my industry. I have never seen one 'up close and personal'. All wells drilled these days will have a blow out preventer (BOP), a brute of a device designed to prevent just such a catastrophe from happening in the first place. The report describing the events of the accident was very curious to me. At first news of the accident my assumption was a BOP failure. The report noted two wiring mistakes on one pod of the BOP but stated that one mistake canceled out the other. The ram of the BOP fired as it was supposed to do BUT the ram pierced the pipe, making the blow out much worse. Investigators stated that the failure was caused by severe buckling in the pipe NOT by a failure in the firing of the ram of the BOP. I can add nothing more. I don't know what became of the investigation after that initial report. Rest assured that the pipe would have been examined minutely. I cannot say if there was a fault in the steel; if there was a failed weld somewhere, if there was a mistake made by the drilling contractor, if there was a shift in the drilling platform to twist the pipe. My interest in this was focused on the BOP. I have used the same company's BOPs for my company's wells for many years. I wanted to satisfy myself that I had no worries about something similar happening to my operation.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Bloomberg: Economy Grows by Most in a Decade on U.S. Consumer-Spending Gain
    @JamesSD, Ignore the talking heads on CNBC or Fox. They mostly tout the Republican party line. And as the history of the 20th century and the first years of the 21st century has shown Republican presidents are total incompetents when it comes to managing the US economy. Some of those dolts were incapable of even simple arithmetic......think Reagan, Bush I (The Dumb), and Bush II (The Dumber). Other Republican presidents were smart enough but they truly believed in economic policies more suitable to the 1800s USA economy........think Hoover, Nixon. Eisenhauer during the 1950s was the only Republican president who managed the USA national economy in a sane, coherent manner. Ike had social and demographic trends on his side and he had the great good sense not to mess around too much. His logistical genius demonstrated during his military career convinced him that the federal government should finance the build out of great infrastructure projects for the greater good of the nation. Can you imagine any Republican president who might be elected in this current era that would spent the trillions of dollars necessary for some national project comparable to what Eisenhauer did for the interstate highway system in USA? Republican presidents are good for something for crafty investors. They can provide glorious opportunities to invest in great companies whose shares get ravaged by stock markets cratering as a result of Republican economic folly. In my investing career of almost 45 years the two best buying opportunities were compliments of idiot Republican presidents......1974, Nixon and 2008/early 2009, Bush II (The Dumber). Other good buying opportunities, again compliments of idiot Republican presidents, were 1987, Reagan (the moron); and 1991, Bush I (The Dumb). 1987 and 1991 were just not as juicy as 1974 and 2008. Is there any chance that Bush III will win the presidency in 2016 elections?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What state has the worst strip clubs
    Never forget my home province of Alberta, the black hole of North America's strip club culture.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is this a 5 star restaraunt or a strip club?
    Pure lies. All clubs in British Columbia close at 1:00AM. Crawfish in Kamloops? Kamloops is a gritty town in the interior of British Columbia that makes its living off forestry, ranching, and mining. Prairie oysters in Kamloops?......maybe. But crawfish in Kamloops?..........never.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Do you approach dancers?
    This is a never ending debate here on tuscl. My advice is always: 'Go For The Gusto!' What is worse?.........sitting idly by in frustration in a club waiting for your chosen hot dancer to approach you?...........or be rejected by that same hot dancer when you approach her? In the first case you will never get that hot dancer in your clutches. In the second case you have a 50-50 shot at a 'Yes' answer for dances from the hottie. Seems to be a no-brainer to me.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Favorite War?
    The War of Jenkin's Ear
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Using company computers to access TUSCL
    Guess what would happen to an employee of mine who was caught using the company's computers or Blackberrys for such use?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Where are the hot girls?
    Sort of what clubber said. The most beautiful woman that I have ever encountered in person was the receptionist in the offices of hedge fund in Connecticut. I was shot down in the quest for cash from the buttoned down hedgies for my business but I have priceless memories of the babe fronting the office.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Eastern European Dancers
    Very interesting topic, rick. My much lesser strip club experience than yours has not brought me into the clutches of dancers like these. I would have liked the chance to have had some of your experiences. Closest for me was Toronto sweetie. She is from Hungary and one of her 5 languages was Russian. I have always considered Hungary to be central Europe but that is probably splitting hairs for the purposes of this discussion topic. Toronto sweetie was certainly a different breed of cat compared to all the Canadian-born or American-born dancers that I have known. However, Toronto sweetie was a mature woman of 40 or so when I met her and she had been completely Canadianized by then. I haven't heard even a peep from Toronto sweetie since she dumped me almost a year ago to start a retail business. I admit to being a bit surprised that I haven't received a pleading money call from her.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Peculiar tastes in foods
    Um......shouldn't it be Kraft Canadian cheese? Kraft Foods was founded by J.L. Kraft, a well known Canadian entrepreneur.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Poll: Do you like to go to regular bars by yourself and eavesdrop on hot young
    Killing time in a Las Vegas bar waiting for my brothers to join me for a late lunch I struck up a conversation with an attractive well-dressed lady. Turns out she was a pro.....offered me afternoon delight for $500. I was drinking soda and lime juice so big head had firm control over little head. By the way, what's with bars in this town?.......supposed to be some sophisticated place, this Bellagio joint. I wanted a virgin Caesar. I explained to the bartender how to mix the drink; he tells me that he has never heard of clamato juice. More parochial Americans. Sheesh !!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Sorry Kim K, Sir Mix-A-Lot says JLo still has the best butt
    From the pics that I have seen it is obvious that you could carve a much bigger rump roast from Kim K's ass than you could from the ass of J Lo. Since Kim K has the face of a horse do you think a Kim K rump roast would be as tasty as a similar roast of real horse meat?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Peculiar tastes in foods
    One's taste is what it is. If you like it........not peculiar. For example, when I tell people that I love horse meat I am immediately beat up as if I am some sort of savage cannibal. WTF? Horse meat is a tasty, low fat animal protein. Nothing peculiar about that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT: credit card fraud
    Apart from USA, every country that I have visited in the last 10 years or so has credit cards and debit cards with embedded chips. When I am in USA I have a helluva time finding merchants or ATMs that can accept my cards. Usually I must visit a bank and go through the nonsense of phone calls and many identification verifications just to get a wad of cash. It is a serious pain in the ass. In Canada and Europe my cards work everywhere. When will USA get with the program? An ancillary benefit to the chip cards is a serious reduction in fraud.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    I hope you didn't cave, jack. This hobby pretty much destroys our dignity so it is vitally important for us to hold tenaciously to whatever slim shreds of dignity that may remain.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    cameras in vip room
    Bless you, londonguy. It is delightful to see proper spelling. Never apologize to the unlettered.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Grumpy Old Men
    motorhead, unlike you, I have never been a nice guy; I have always been a hardass. But, I don't accept the 'grumpy' description. If being a demanding employer is being 'grumpy'.... I am a grump. If being self confident and assertive is being 'grumpy'....I am a grump. If being independent and self supporting is being 'grumpy'....I am a grump. If being dismissive of fools and dolts is being 'grumpy'....I am a grump. How do you define 'grumpy'?