
Comments by farmerart (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT : Presidents question
    @zipman68, I will never be convinced that Nixon was anything but a sleazoid. He acted like a weasel during WWII as opposed to all those presidents who manned up heroically during that war, or during WWI (in Truman's case). His cynical 'commie' bashing was unedifying as was his grotesque money grubbing. He was a liar. His psyche was so severely damaged that he probably should have had a lobotomy. I forgot to mention Ford in my post. The mere fact that Ford is so forgettable is comment enough on the merits of his presidency.
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    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT : Presidents question
    ^^^^^ 15,000 military advisors?......those boys were unarmed?......carried only books interpreting von Clausewitz's theories of warfare?......gave lectures to small Viet Namese peasants about growing Borlaug's new varieties of rice? What planet do you live on, mikeya02? Have you ever read a book of history?......instead of just watching pathetic John Wayne propaganda pieces?
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    10 years ago
    What Is There Left For Me To Learn?
    'What Is There Left For Me To Learn?' Spelling and grammar would be my suggestions. When you have achieved some mastery over those two disciplines, come back and we can talk about serious adult issues.
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    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    One sole SC occasion for me in Los Angeles, rick. Not so successful.....I didn't even bother with a tuscl review. I was staying at a hotel in the downtown financial district (Olive St). I took a cab to Sam's Hofbrau.......not far at all, probably less than 5 min by cab but I was never going to walk. Sam's is a different kind of joint......not a lap dance factory and no ITC shenanigans (to my rookie eyes on my brief visit). Lots of sweeties in the joint and I strongly suspect that your OTC game could be most fruitful here. I made a single desultory attempt at just such an assignation with one of the girls and was shot down in a most humiliating manner. I left, leaving my dignity in a puddle of slime on the floor. Rather useless advice from a western Canadian hillbilly, but the best that I can doo.
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    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT : Presidents question
    Interesting discussion topic. Hands down the best president since WWII is Truman. The guy was a serious shit kicker in the artillery in WWI and as president he had balls the size of cannonballs and the brains to make seriously good decisions. He also didn't fuck up the boisterous economic boom taking place in USA after the end of WWII. The only Republican president since WWII worth even a pail of warm piss was Eisenhower....mostly because he was so bored with the job that he didn't really make any serious decisions as president. He golfed a whole bunch. No argument that Carter was the worst Dem president since WWII. Kind of amazing since he probably had the highest IQ of all presidents since WWII. On this scale Nixon was probably #2 on the post-WWII IQ scale and he was a total unmitigated disaster as president (as well as being a paranoid crook). Bush #1 and Bush #2 were completely beyond the pale as presidents. Those grotesque silver spoons stuck in their mouths made them totally incapable of connecting with a typical American taxpayer. That is why Bush #1 was a one-termer. Without 9/11 Bush #2 would have been another failed one-termer. Unhappily, 9/11 gave that idiot a second term, just long enough for him to crater the stock market and the broader economy, handing the biggest poisoned chalice to Obama since the festering economic mess that Hoover passed on to FDR. Kennedy and LBJ were both tarnished by the Viet Nam fiasco, probably the biggest foreign policy fuck-up of USA since WWII. LBJ was partly redeemed by the great social legislation that he forced through Congress during his presidency. Reagan was the most over-rated post WWII president. Look at the numbers of his presidency. Reagan did not balance one single budget during the 8 years of his presidency. In fact, in percentage terms, he increased the USA national debt by a bigger number than any other non-war president. He was a happy personable guy but he was also a moron who was suffering from dementia for most of his second presidential term. Clinton was (and is) an absolute political genius. Since WWII, USA has seen no campaigner the equal of Clinton. He was also a seriously crafty guy when it came to getting things done. What made Clinton so great as a politician is that he really didn't believe in anything. He was a member of the Church of What's Happening Now and conducted his presidency as a confirmed believer of that church's philosophy. Seriously good economy under Clinton: unemployment collapsed; rock and roll stock market; government budget surpluses for fuck's sake. Clinton will be well judged by history. Obama has 2 years left in his presidency.......too soon to make any judgments about him.
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    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Things you should've said on your last visit....
    Now that my health is in the shitter............. To all those strippers who offered me BBFS, I wish that I had said...........YES !!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Dirty Cop
    stripper troubleshooting
    @SuperDude, Really? I mean REALLY? You are an educated, sophisticated man. It pains me to hear that you did such a thing. Just once did I ever help out a stripper with cash. It was a gift, not a 'loan'....and that was only after having her story checked out by a private detective. I was partly responsible for the predicament that left her short of money.
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    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    I retired when I was 59 (sold my first company). I discovered SCs during that retirement and I hit them hard and heavy. I was also bored almost to the point of dementia during that retirement. When the non-compete expired from the sale of my first company I immediately got back into business in a big way. Now I am 66 and my health is seriously in the shitter so I am more or less retired again. My clubbing is non-existent now.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Taking a trip with a dancer
    I took several trips with Toronto sweetie before she dumped me. The trips were to isolated resorts in Hawaii or Corsica and were of a week to ten days in length. Before venturing on a vacation with Toronto sweetie I had come to know her via sex weekends on my Toronto business trips. I am a wealthy guy so Toronto sweetie was able to enjoy some spiffy resorts, good booze and meals, and comfortable business class or first class travel. Toronto sweetie is a mature beauty in her early 40s and a champion performer in the sack. I loved our vacations together as did Toronto sweetie. I always gave her $5K or the equivalent in a shopping spree on each of our trips. Just two pieces of advice for you: 1. Do not combine any business with this trip. 2. Be absolutely certain that you truly KNOW this girl. e.g. manners in public, personal hygiene, her true interests as compared to yours (outside of the sex), etc.
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    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Brokers
    Currently, I use a discount broker in Canada called Investorline, affiliated with Bank of Montreal. All that I require from Investorline is timely execution of my buy and sell stock orders. I do not require any hand holding or advice. I do not hold bonds. I am 100% invested in equities and I am not an active trader. I have one equity position that I have held since 1974. In fact, with several of my positions I take delivery of the physical stock certificates if the DRIP and, more importantly, the OSPP are better than with stock held in street name. Occasionally the broker will piss me off for some reason or other so I just move my accounts to a different broker. I often wonder why brokers bother with customers like me. I trade so infrequently that I pay peanuts in commission. I never keep large cash positions in any account that the broker can leverage to its own advantage. In the investing world I am the equivalent of the SC customer sitting at the bar watching the stage show, never buying lap dances.
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    10 years ago
    Happy Birthday, Shadowcat.
    Holy fuck! Another birthday for shadowcat? The old bastard has had enough of them.........stop counting.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: May have been covered, but...
    I didn't see this topic directed at me when it was posted last week......sorry. Question #1. Why? Simple answer..........too much crude oil is chasing too few buyers. Boom and bust is the history of the oil business. I consider this current plunge in prices to be nothing more than just another normal downdraft in my cyclical industry. During my career of almost 50 years in this business I have lived through six of these cycles. This one is #7. These downdrafts end when blood and red ink start to flow. The blood has already started to flow here in Canada. Just today the largest tar sands operator, Suncor, laid off 1,000 workers. A week before Christmas the second largest tar sands operator, Syncrude, laid off 800 workers. The explorers are pulling in their horns.....the count of active rigs in the western Canadian sedimentary basin is down a huge percentage from the same time last year; and this is prime drilling season in Canada. The same thing must be happening in USA, the North Sea, and all other high cost areas anywhere in the world. This will only stop when the Arabs start to hurt from the low prices. Last cycle ended with prices in the mid $30s/bbl. The 1998 crash ended when WTI fell to $10/bbl. Saudi Light was selling for $7/bbl in that crash. I could hear the screams of pain from those sheiks all the way over here in North America as they sold their oil at that give-away price. My impression is that the fall in price of a barrel of crude is near its end. I don't think the price will go lower than the price during the last crash. Generally, a good rule to follow for oil traders is.............never expect oil to fall lower than the lowest price in the previous downdraft. To put a number on it.......I would say that nothing much lower than $38-$40/bbl will be seen this go-round. Question #2. Effect on me? Well, I sold the oil part of my company in the spring of 2014. All of my production at that time was hedged forward to the end of 2017 at prices of $92/bbl to $103/bbl. I have no idea what price the new guy is getting for any increased production on the oil leases that went with the sale of the company. I sold my first company very near the top of the previous price cycle, not at the absolute top of the cycle but near enough to the top of the cycle that the idiot who bought me out went bankrupt as prices plunged. Currently I am continuing my nat gas exploration play in the North West Territories. I have been able to squeeze my drilling contractor, but not too severely. Another drilling season will see at least a 50% cut in rig day rates, I am sure.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Heinz 57 or A1?
    Too much sugar in either one of those for me. Lea & Perrin's is acceptable; the tamarind works well with meat. Better yet as a condiment is sharp mustard made from Colman's or Keen's mustard powder.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Who are the best reviewers on TUSCL?
    I would be very remiss if I didn't also give a shout out to ralphyboy, wordsmith par excellence.
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    10 years ago
    Who are the best reviewers on TUSCL?
    Everybody should read BaddJack's review of Lucky Lady Cabaret in Sweet Springs, Missouri. It is a gem of hilarity. About once a year I go back to tuscl's archives and read about Ratso, Shamu, and Tweeker. I always laugh to the point of tears. BaddJack's other reviews are also choice pieces of SC history here on tuscl.
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    10 years ago
    What's your favorite sandwich?
    @georgmicrodong, No argument about the joys of bread and butter together. Also no argument about the joy of real home-made mayo. I make bread in my own kitchen but I do not possess my Mom's skill. I have also tried to churn my own butter. Again, my Mom's skill surpasses mine. I do make a wicked mayo. And, I grow even tastier tomatoes than my Mom produced in her garden. I enjoy a Reuben but the simple tomato sandwich of my childhood remains my favourite.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What's your favorite sandwich?
    From my childhood. Two thick slices of my Mom's fresh baked bread slathered with sweet fresh churned butter from the morning's cream. Thick slices of tomato just off the vine still warm from the sun. Salt and pepper. Best sandwiches of my life.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Shadow cat's new Mustang
    Yeah, shadowcat, I really can't see you ever doing burnouts in your new machine, plays hell on the rubber. Besides, having a factory-installed line lock system making these burnouts so easy to do is a real pussy move. Doing burnouts in the old days required some serious skill.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Avatars that I lust after
    My favourite was vincemichaels' Melon Girl - Denise Milani.
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    10 years ago
    back row baptist blow jobs at church
    What is a Southern Baptist as opposed to the regular variety of Baptist that I know in Canada?
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    10 years ago
    Minor Dancer Move: Pressing boobs against bare chest
    Like georgmicrodong's girl, Toronto sweetie loved the feel of my thick wiry chest hair on her boobs and nipples. On one of our Hawaii vacations she spent most of the time topless. We would be walking on the beach or a trail and she would suddenly hug me close and rub her glorious breasts all over my chest, grinning lasciviously. More than once I had to stop and bang her right on the spot. Lord, I miss that wanton hussy.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    My Advice Regarding Women, Dating, and How to be a Real Man
    Caught me. I'm an idiot.
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    10 years ago
    My Advice Regarding Women, Dating, and How to be a Real Man
    I worship at your feet, jerikson40, greedily hoovering up all the wise words that you generously share with us maladjusted, pathetic tusclers.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Off topic: Eating Better
    ^^^^^^^ Best advice here........'If it has a label don't eat it.' Thinking about my own eating habits, the only packaged products that I consume regularly are bread and rice.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    The Duke of York likes 'em young
    Unlike londonguy, I am not a royalist. It really picks my ass that the British Queen is the titular head of state of my country. What a dysfunctional family she and that creepy Greek that she married have foisted on the world! She is leaving that nutty tampon sniffing Chuckles in line to be the next monarch. Randy Andy is simply a dimwit with the IQ of a piece of celery. Annie belongs in the stables of the horses that she loves so much. She has spent so much time with horses that she has become horse-faced herself. Young Eddie is just a non-entity (even though he did have the good sense to marry a Canadian). Things don't look very promising for Lilibet's grandkids either - party loving crypto Nazis.