
Comments by farmerart (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    How long have you been unemployed?
    +1 to DandyDan for recognizing that there is dignity in all work, even burger flipping at Mickey D's. The food at Mickey D's is repulsive to me but I willingly acknowledge that Macdonald's Corp. does an excellent job in introducing young kids into the rigours of paid labour. I always looked respectfully at the resume of a prospective employee listing Macdonald's experience. The actual work experience had no use in the oil patch but work habits learned at Macdonald's are valuable to any employer.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    How long have you been unemployed?
    I was unemployed for a very short time when I was 16. I hated it and I resolved that it would never happen to me again. I bought a water truck (with a loan co-signed by my father) and struck out on my own in the oil patch. In almost no time my little company grew to 20 employees, then to 30 employees, finally to almost 100 employees at the peak of my operations. Over almost 50 years I probably employed over 1,000 different people and fired perhaps 500 people over the same length of time. Lousy work ethic and pure laziness were the most common firing offenses. Disrespecting the boss (me) was also high on the firing list. Dishonesty and incompetence were very low on the firing list.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What are some of the best compliments you heard a dancer tell you?
    'You have such pretty money.'
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Sex is about power?
    The basic human instincts of self-preservation and procreation motivate every single human on this planet. Power determines how these instincts are satisfied.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Rejecting a dancer
    When I first started going to SCs I tried to be polite to dancers. After being disrespected outrageously by several dancers I changed my approach. I became brutally direct with dancers who approached me rudely for dances. My standard response to an irritating dancer who doesn't have any physical appeal for me is simple and direct and almost always rids me of the irritating dancer: 'You don't appeal to me. Go away.'
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: These 20-somethings invest like 'Depression babies'
    @Meat72 '.......the truth is that markets are efficient.' I really question that statement. In my 40+ years of stock market investing my entire approach has been to find inefficiencies in market pricing of individual stocks. Hysteria and euphoria are usually good indicators that pricing inefficiencies in the stock market can be found.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: WSJ "Fed Likely to Remove ‘Patient’ Barrier for Rate Increase as Soon as Jun
    ^^^^^^Dougster makes a lot of sense with his last comment. One of the themes behind my stock purchases last year was the inevitable rising interest rate environment. Turns out I had my head up my ass last year and the big investment that I made based on my thesis was not a good performer. I chose an insurance company (MFC on the TSX) and it mostly marked time for the entire year. With the divvy I think that I made about 7%-8% on MFC during 2014. I have not given up on my thesis. I continue to buy more of this stock for the trusts set up for my heirs. When interest rates finally do rise insurance companies, in particular, will make out like bandits in the night. I am less sure than I was of the timing of the reversal of trends in interest rates. The 30+year bull market in bonds is a very, very tired market. I have been expecting the end of the bond bull market for about 3 years and I have been wrong. I pulled out all the money that I had in bonds when the US Treasury Dept. started shoveling bonds into the Fed's vaults. I missed another 5 years of the bond bull market but I am not complaining.......all that money that I formerly had in bonds went into equity markets in Canada and USA with most satisfactory results.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Wanna know what the # song was the day you were born?
    Who the fuck is Dinah Shore?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Tracking your phone
    How important is a wireless phone in your life? Not life and death for you to use a wireless device?..........pitch it.........tracking problem solved.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Privacy (or lack of)
    My beloved Toronto area pus buckets are not for the faint of heart. The old Cannonball Cabaret in Brampton was particularly scuzzy. If a PL takes a dancer to VIP in any of those joints your shyness and dignity must be left behind at the entrance. I remember one afternoon at New Locomotion my dancer led me to the VIP on the left of the main stage. Bright sunshine was streaming through the windows. 2 dancers were head bobbing and another was bouncing. It was surreal, like doing the nasty in the glare of a spotlight. Bogarts VIP before the curtains was a very public place as were the two Henrys before the modest upgrades a few years ago. I haven't been in Arnie's since the fire.......any changes to the VIP? Prior to the fire Arnie's VIP was totally public with the sole saving grace of being darker than the asshole of Hades.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Prying a girl away from her regular
    Virtually all of my strip club visits have taken place on business trips and I am always well beefed with cash. I always try to make the dancers know that I am willing to spend my cash. If I can't get results from the dancer that has the most appeal for me I am willing to settle for second choice or third choice. However, I am very aggressive in pursuing choice #1. I will even approach choice #1 if she is sitting with another guy (or group of guys). I get shot down lots but I also occasionally score some choice stripper pussy that I would never get without being so aggressive. I never been involved in any scrap with another customer because of my actions. SCs are all about money. If
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Buying a Car ?
    Unless you are mechanically inclined stay away from a used car. If possible pay cash; do not do the 'lease to own' scam. Choose a vehicle that has, historically, very good resale value. Personally, I am a big fan of the F-150. The cab and the box can certainly accommodate your 'heifers'. I have never been in Miami so I can't say if the F-150 is too big for comfortable driving on Miami's roads.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Asymmetric bosoms
    Very common sight at nude beaches in Europe..........even at Wreck Beach in Vancouver. I can't say that I have seen this in a SC however.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    ATF Reunion
    I wouldn't mind seeing Toronto sweetie again, mostly to see how she is doing in her new life (assuming that she has remained retired from her SC life). I don't have the same raging carnal desire for her that consumed me in years past. That is not to say that Mr. Wood's fire couldn't be rekindled:)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    If you won the Lottery, what's the first thing you would do?
    Selling my first company a few years ago was my personal equivalent to winning a mega lottery. At first I did many of the things that you guys have mentioned - big boy toys, high end travel, fine dining, charitable donations, expensive booze, strip clubs.......etc. None of it was very productive and I soon became painfully bored with my life. I have lots of hobbies and I truly enjoyed my strip club escapades (which were extreme for 2+ years) but it all amounted to nothing in the end. As soon as the non-compete clause in the sale of my company had expired I got back in business in a big way. Happiness and fulfillment soon returned to my life.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fancy a fuck?
    Better to go with: 'Fancy a shag?'
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Dirty Cop
    Los Vegas Strip Casino and Brothels
    I made my first trip to Las Vegas last November. I was having a non-alcoholic drink at one of the Bellagio's bars, waiting for my brothers to come down for late lunch. While chatting with an elegant woman sitting beside me at the bar she offered me 'afternoon delight' for $500.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Embarrassing moments at the strip club
    Embarrassing moments in a SC?..........hell, yeah - too many to count. Getting bounced, tripping in the dark, fights, spilling booze on a dancer, verbal misunderstandings, body language understandings, and even, lord save me, puking one time. That last one on the list is the absolute most embarrassing for me. I have always been able to handle my booze. I can remember just 3 puking episodes in my long drinking life. To have one of those events happen in the VIP of a SC was probably the lowest moment that I ever experienced in a SC.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Your oldest stripper
    For me, it was Toronto sweetie. She dumped me over a year ago. I think that she would be 44 now. Beautiful woman and a champion performer. We had a good run together, longer than I would ever dreamed possible. Spent lotsa buck$ on that woman..........no regrets.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Do you care about Extra's?
    Do I care about extras?............um...er.....YESSSS!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Really upset right now
    There is a reason that 'PL' figures prominently in stories and discussions here on tuscl. This post is a perfect depiction of a PL.
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    10 years ago
    Dancers Boyfriends and employment
    Just once did a dancer ask me about a job for her boyfriend. I told her exactly what an unskilled labourer was required to do on a drilling rig.......long hours; hard, dirty, wet, strong-back work; isolated work locations; etc. etc. Her reply was classic: "Oh, he couldn't do that. He doesn't like cold temperatures and he has to be home with me every night when I get off work."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Clubbing in a blizzard
    No surprise that an Alberta guy just might have some experience with blizzards:) I once made a trip from Edm Int'l (YEG) to Red Deer, a distance of 120km, just as a prairie blizzard was getting underway. After finishing my business in Red Deer the blizzard was in full force so I decided to kill some time in X-Static, a SC in downtown Red Deer. You have never seen such a dead club. One virgin caesar and back to YEG for me.......blizzard be damned. By this time the horsemen had closed Hwy #2 between Red Deer and YEG so I was forced to take some sketchy back roads to return to YEG. My trusty F-150 4X4 got me back to YEG safely even with the blizzard continuing to roar. No surprise to find that YEG is closed for the duration of the blizzard........heavy snow, 90km winds, wind chills in the -40sC, whiteout visibility. No choice but to take a room in a crappy highway motel in Nisku. When in Nisku the Rig Pig club is the only place to go. The old joint was packed with stranded oil patch guys like me. A serious party vibe was underway. The strippers were making serious coin with their excellent stage shows (no lap dances at the Rig Pig). The party atmosphere was not even spoiled when the bar ran out of two popular brands of beer and the kitchen ran out of chicken wings and ribs. Last call found the place still packed wall-to-wall with oil patch drunks. It was one of my rowdiest, happiest nights in a SC. By some miracle not a single fight broke out the entire evening. And that is really saying something about the Rig Pig which is a little 'rough around the edges', shall we say. I paid for it the next morning on the flight back to the exploration camp. I swear that the DC-3 pilot bounced the landing at the camp's airstrip in an attempt to make me hurl my bellyful of Kokanee. Good SC times can be had in the midst of a blizzard.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: State of the Union
    I was watching a much more memorable event on TV last night. My beloved, but pathetic, Oilers actually won a hockey game last night.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT : Presidents question
    @jackslash, LOL !!..........tricky question........so many choices.