
Comments by farmerart (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Muslim contributions to humanity
    I like the numbers that the Arabs gave us. It would be hell to be using Roman numerals to express the huge numbers in use in my industry.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Candidates Trying to Turn Out the Vote of Those Who Live in Parents’ Baseme
    Time for some tough love from Mommy and Daddy.
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    10 years ago
    OT: More great economic news - average hourly earnings have increased 33 cents o
    Highest paid driller at the exploration camp this winter is paid at the rate of $150/hr. Highest paid driller at the exploration camp four winters ago was paid at the rate of $80/hr. That is an increase of 87.5% in just 4 years. Get a skill. Get a job where the action is. Get off your ass. Big money is out there, believe me.
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    10 years ago
    Titty Fuckin ?
    Where's the pleasure in this? Titties have no muscles with which to squeeze a turgid penis. Titties don't moisten like a lovely pink vajayjay. This practice is for morons who have looked at way too much chintzy porn. Adult men with adult tastes eschew this silly nonsense.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Founder was right.....
    Good chance that Mrs. Palmer will fuck me tonight. Mrs. Palmer is 65, same age as I am. Funny that, eh?
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Is there a greater concentration of hot chicks than in large colleges/universiti
    Part of my walk last evening took me through the University of Calgary campus. Lots of girls walking around but it was difficult to identify any hotties. Snowstorm yesterday - all the girls were wearing toques, parkas, mitts, and boots.
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    10 years ago
    'Dead' Strip Club
    loonie = $1 coin toonie = $2 coin
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    10 years ago
    mikeya02 or Humbert Humbert?
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    10 years ago
    'Dead' Strip Club
    @Dougster, What the hell do you know about Electric Avenue? Back in the day (1980s) that was the happening area. Maybe you remember Mad Trapper's?.....that was my favourite joint back in the heyday. Electric Avenue has changed to condos, high end retail and restaurants these days. The Red Mile (17 Ave SW) and the night club strip along 1 St SW are the places to be now.
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    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    When the wife wants so much sex that...
    My wife, Mrs. Palmer, can be sexually voracious at times.
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    10 years ago
    Offtopic. is it really necessary for a town to run the tornado sirens when it un
    @sharkhunter, In my lifetime I have never experienced 100F temperature in my part of Canada (Alberta and North West Territories). The hottest temp would have been something like 35C-36C (95F-96F). I did experience such horrific temperatures when I worked in Algeria and Saudi Arabia. In particular I remember one day in Saudi's eastern desert: 47C (116F) !!! Gawd, how I hated those places. By the way, 20cm of snow in Calgary the last 36 hours. The world did not end, no tornado sirens.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Great Moments in PL History
    Tell me that you really didn't do this, jack. Pleeeeeeeeeease, jack.
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    10 years ago
    Offtopic. is it really necessary for a town to run the tornado sirens when it un
    Oh my! You effete southerners and these microscopic amounts of snow that throw your lives into chaos. I chortle.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Not something you see too often
    Dyn-O-Mite body but such a vapid expressionless face, must be a very young girl.
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    10 years ago
    Las Vegas Trip
    Many interesting suggestions and much good advice. Thank you all. I really like that idea of visiting that Atomic Testing Museum. Who knew?
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    10 years ago
    US GDP And Jobless Claims Yesterday?
    @che, "BTW Putin doesn't give a flying fuck about the price of oil." That is complete and utter balderdash. Russia is probably more dependent on the price of oil than any other country in the world (save for perhaps Iran). The price of production matters nothing to Putin but the price he receives for each barrel of oil sold for $US is the lifeblood of the Russian economy. Reduce the number of $US entering Russia and you stop the Russian economy in its tracks. Russia is now part of the consumer economy. Its citizens (the sober ones) are accustomed to the delights of the consumer economy. Russia itself has lost most of its industrial base and is not yet capable of manufacturing acceptable consumer products for its restive population. Even the Russian military is dependent on western manufacturers. Russia can't build state of the art high tech ships for its own navy; it purchases them from places like France, for example. Even now, Russia is incapable of feeding its own population. Oil provides the hard currency used to buy food for its people. And, the hard currency is necessary. The ruble is not convertible. As the Russian economy implodes with this decline in oil prices Putin can print as many rubles as he wishes so the Russian people can buy the every decreasing output of the Russian economy and the ever declining number of imports. The consequences of that happy event are self-evident. No, comrade che, Putin is shitting bricks the size of Kremlin onion domes as he watches the price of oil plummet.
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    10 years ago
    US GDP And Jobless Claims Yesterday?
    The cure for low prices is..........low prices; just as the cure for high prices is..........high prices. I sold the oil part of my company last spring; not so much because I expected the crash in crude prices but more because I needed a pile of cash for the nat gas exploration play in northern Canada I have lived through many of these price cycles in this industry and the resolution is always the same. High cost producers get driven out of the market and low cost producers expand, in anticipation of the next price surge. Unless the fracers that are ripping up the Bakken in North Dakota and Saskatchewan can get their costs under $70/bbl all that Bakken crude will disappear from the market. What happens to WTI when 1,500,000bbl/day goes away? Or when 2,000,000bbl/day of tar sands crude vanishes?.
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    10 years ago
    Las Vegas Trip
    I should have added that this will be my first trip to Las Vegas. We will be staying at Bellagio and the only gambling that I would be interested in would be the horses or poker. I like poker but I am not a good player. I know my way around a horse track. Any recommendations for a good race book? How about a poker room for a bad player, but a bad player with a bankroll big enough to be the table bully?
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    10 years ago
    Civilian Women and their Preferences
    steve229, this sugar baby thing has warped your world view. Please come back to the planet that I inhabit.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A Modest Proposal
    In my world DS already exists in the shorthand lexicon. It means dipshit or dumb shit.
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    10 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Off topic - Disney shaft
    I would suggest a 'shaming' campaign against Disney on social media. Disney is very sensitive to bad publicity. The 'shaming' campaign needs more than a discussion thread on tuscl to affect Disney.
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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Unhappily, I have had considerable experience with leeches in my life. In Canada we call those slimy creatures by a different name........lawyers.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: The Economist is totally clueless about the coming economic boom
    Sugar babies, movies, TV shows, music, Wagyu steakhouses, Mila Kunis, cheerleaders. How the hell do you have the time to read The Economist, steve229?
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    10 years ago
    Quality vs Quantity Part 3: Once you've had Wagyu...
    @steve229, Have you taken SB for the Wagyu dinner yet? We are expecting a report.
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    10 years ago
    In the wind
    Panty raid: Undercover feds confiscate Birdies’ Royals underwear
    What the hell does Homeland Security have to do with a supposed copyright dispute?