
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 22)

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    7 years ago
    When will prostitution become legal ?
    If man is still alive ... Yeah, not holding my breath. Where I am, a protracted, 10-year battle just to open a downtown strip club finally ended. Just a strip club, and probably one where rules will be strictly enforced. So no, not anytime soon.
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    7 years ago
    TUSCL handles
    I'm not telling you.
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    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Into squatters, eh? Well, I do like a girl with huge tracts of land, so to speak.
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    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    I have yet to experience this, but like the backdoor, it's a bucket-list thing. A lot of dancers say they can; I've never had one do it. As to whether or not it's urine, the studies seem to produce mixed results. They do seem to indicate it comes from the bladder, but they say it's probably a mix of some urine and some of the fluid produced by the female prostate when aroused/orgasming. This article points out that there's also a little urine in LDK juice (yikes, what a combination of references on this board), so yeah, deal with it: http://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and-love/female-ejaculation. I'm not R. Kelly; pee doesn't excite me, and if it ends up looking or smelling too much like pee, I will be happy to only experience it once. But a woman cumming so hard that she can't control herself does excite me, and if it's not a lot like pee, it'll be golden. Wait, no, not golden, because then it's pee. But great. I think it's kind of to be expected that a little pee will come out. When two liquids come out of the same tube, you're always almost going to get a little mix. A woman's urethra is not as sophisticated as a Coke Freestyle machine, though her brain is one of the few things more complicated.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Indy 2AMer.
    Stick to Brad's, Dancers and Club Rio. That is all.
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    7 years ago
    Why we do this......
    If I didn't do this, there's a good chance the only woman I would have slept with in my life would be my SO. In doing this, I have had relations with many women, ranging from tens with extras to hundreds with lappers, who otherwise would probably be way out of my league or beyond my confidence level. Yes, it's cost money, but nowhere near as much as what I would have needed to spend in relationships, on personal appearance, drinks at regular bars, etc. The girls walk away well-paid and often even a little surprised how nice a guy I am. I walk away happy and knowing I'm living life and not just letting it pass me by. It's a glorious thing and I don't understand why it's not more popular.
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    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    Untypical turn-ons
    1. Glasses. She can leave them on or take them off during the dance. I like the naughty librarian/secretary type. 2. A garter belt. Gives a nod to the past in that it's basically just decoration now. 3. When she lets me undo the hook/tie. It gives it an interactive element.
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    7 years ago
    PL vs Creep
    I see PLs as the equivalent of marks in wrestling. Not smarks, just marks. They buy everything the girl is selling and hand over the cash like it grows on trees. "Oh, she really does like me." "I will get way better service in this heavily monitored club if I go to VIP and give $300 to the guy watching the security cameras of all the rooms." That sort of thing. PLs don't break the rules, or don't know how. PLs get disappointed if the girl they got dances with the last time they were at the club isn't there. PLs just go along for the ride. Creeps, meanwhile, live outside the boundaries of normalcy somehow. It usually starts with behavior. PLs are fairly normal looking and acting. Creeps are a little off. They came to the club in dingy clothes or can't hold a decent conversation with a dancer. They don't seem to "get it" in some way and make people nervous accordingly. Most club patrons are on the PL spectrum. Creeps tend to either get avoided by dancers and/or say or do something to get kicked out, probably asking the lines of breaking the rules or asking about sex almost immediately. Many creeps may also have a mental health issue. I think TUSCLers, at least the non-trolls, tend to be smarks. We know the game and what it's about, but we still enjoy it and get what we want out of it. We know what's fake and what's real, and sometimes we buy the fake if it's really good. We have our PL moments, and maybe even were PLs once, but now play the game a little more wisely. We don't just want our guy to win the title belt, we want good writing, characters and performance. We don't just go for the thrill of the club, we want a great grind, good atmosphere and maybe a shot at something ITC/OTC. We're neither PLs nor creeps. We're our own breed.
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    7 years ago
    Thrown out of club
    Second time I went to a club ever. Got dances with a great brunette the first time I went. Showed me the ropes, explained how things worked clearly and gave me a great grind. Second time I went, she was using a fake accent, which caught me off guard. Got her for a couple dances at the end of the night. This was before cell phones were a thing, I had trouble interpreting what she was saying with the accent, plus I was a noob. I thought she told me to wait up for her afterwards, which got me excited. Went to my car, stayed in the lot for about 20 minutes, didn't know any better, went back toward the door. Whatever it was she said, she didn't say "Wait up," because she was still in there, now dressed and playing pool, and a bouncer was watching the parking lot security cameras and waiting for me to leave. When he saw me come through the doors, he grabbed my wrist with one hand, spun me around with the other, and with my wrist against my back, directed me back out the door.
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    7 years ago
    One of the better hidden camera inside Tijuana Clubs and with the girls videos
    So hey, legit question about Tijuana from someone who's never been closer than San Diego, and that was almost two decades ago: What's the ethnic balance among the dancers at the takeout clubs there? I'm just looking for ballpark percentages. I'm assuming it's probably majority latinas, then white girls, but that video made me wonder. Always been curious about that part of the world, but I think I might be more of a Detroit guy. I tend to like the enhanced blonde Barbie-types and seek out the 8's and above. Tijuana seems cheap, but I wonder if the quality's there, too. You can find it at the right places in Detroit.
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    7 years ago
    New find: Olga Alberti
    The picture at the top of the first page is actually the worst one of her, IMHO. The other seven in the slideshow when you scroll down are better. This may be a case of the dressing affecting the taste of the salad. Bangin' bod. Hips, abs, boobs, could maybe use a little more butt, but yeah. But the face. It's not that it's ugly, but it doesn't necessarily do anything for me. Two things: 1. Smile. Seriously. She looks like she'd be cold and disinterested. Ever have a girl with a great body give you a lap dance where it seemed like she couldn't care less? Was that fun? No? That's what she looks like she'd do from these pictures. 2. Makeup and/or hair? I get the natural look can be a "thing," and that maybe you can look at a girl who's pretty without it and say, "Imagine what she'd be like with it." But why imagine? Show us. A great steak is a great steak, but with the right seasoning, it's even better. Thing is, a Google Image Search on her seems to bring up a lot of the same. She looks a little like Maria Sharapova from the neck up, who also doesn't do much for me. Just not a face I'm into. Hey, you guys, go nuts for her. I'm not saying I'd pass. But she's not quite my favorite flavor.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    If Strip Clubs Didn't Exist...
    I guess the question I'd ask in return is where the dancers would be, or what they'd be doing, if there were no strip clubs. Whereas a healthy chunk of them would probably become escorts, I'm thinking I'd probably be somewhat more adventurous with escorts, too, if I couldn't club anymore. More internet porn, or at least more than I already consume, is also a valid answer, chessmaster. This being 2017, I would maybe see what might come of something like Tinder, or cruise Instagram like the NBA guys do. Maybe I'd go the old-fashioned route more often. You know, hotel bars, party bars near closing time, that sort of thing. As someone with an SO, though, I'd probably ditch town to do that sort of thing. You never know when you'll see someone you know who says, "Hey, why aren't you home with so-and-so?" On that last point, I might have said something like Ashley Madison before their security blowup. The last two ideas circle back to why the club is so perfect: Within those four walls, you can be who you want to be. See something you like? Go after it. For the most part, she sets the price and the rules. If you agree, it happens. If not, it doesn't. You get what you want, she gets what she wants. When it's done, it's done and it stays within those walls as much as you want it to. If you like it, you come back for more. If you don't, you don't, or you seek another provider. On the whole, that's all pretty awesome for everyone. In other words, if clubs didn't exist, the world would be a much lesser place.
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    7 years ago
    Clubs that have closed
    We had a Spearmint Rhino near us that closed. It was only open for about two years. The place was a 10-minute drive from any form of civilization other than a golf course across the street and a 45-minute drive from a major metro area where people are used to having to go no more than 20 minutes across town. What they were thinking putting the place out in the country like that, I have no idea. Did have a girl give me a nice BJ there once. Also had a girl give me literally the worst lap dance I ever had. They started out giving a bonus to girls who worked out there to try and get talent. They also suspended the cover in the winter to try and get customers. Once the girls realized there were only a few locals who only came in to have a drink and leave, the talent seemingly started turning over every couple weeks. The last couple visits I made were really dismal. Whoever pitched that location to the higher-ups with the brand should have gotten canned.
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    7 years ago
    Do strippers care about a LDK?
    I have. It happens. A great friction dance will do it. I have encountered a wide range of reactions, from those who find it gross to those who see it as a compliment. "I must have done my job well." I'd I'm going to a place where high-contact grindage is the norm, I have been known to wear my own protection. Generally speaking, I'd the girl doesn't feel anything, she doesn't care if you did or didn't. Yes, most just expect an extra tip if you do.
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    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    So who else hates the new look TUSCL?
    Yeah, on mobile, everything got a lot smaller, namely the fonts and buttons. That's not necessarily a good thing. Also, something to think about with this site: The redesign made it a little less discreet. I liked the old logo because, from a distance, you had to stare at it a while to realize this is a board about strip clubs. I could more easily get away with reading it on the subway while in New York, for instance, without anyone giving it a second thought. This, with the white type, is a little less so. Eh, it'll evolve.
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    7 years ago
    Requirements for a CF and ATF
    I filter out dancers who aren't at least a 7, so less than that doesn't even qualify. That said, this may sound odd, but all my favorites have had a good personality. They all can form complete sentences and have thoughtful conversation. They also give at least a good, hard grind. An ATF would have to surpass my current one, which means she'd have to be busty, flexible and turned on when I see her. It's going to be difficult to surpass my ATF, sadly.
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    7 years ago
    Washington DC
    Fuegos in D.C is reopening
    Why did it originally close? Fire?
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    7 years ago
    Washington DC
    Honor among SC Mongers...
    This is really a tough call. On the one hand, you want to let other mongers know what your experience is like and drop hints as to who might give good service. On the other, yeah, you can't get too explicit. You have to walk a fine line. I refrain from names unless service was truly amazing and within club rules, i.e. ATF, hall of fame type stuff (i.e. doing the splits across you in a lapper ... ah, Angelina of Polekatz, you were amazing). If I have the good fortune of getting extras at a non-extras club, I don't even do a review. I don't need that club going back, reviewing tapes, trying to weed out any/all rule breakers, etc. Clean clubs try to stay clean, and there's no reason to encourage them to ratchet down further. Don't throw your favorites under the bus. Think about reviews from the perspective of potential readers, including club management, because they do read these things, and other PLs who aren't so smart. If you say the blonde with the boobs gave me her number, you give the dancer plausible deniability -- maybe he mixed me up with the other blonde. But if you say it was Suzie, then that's pretty specific.
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    7 years ago
    Civie Sex
    I'm honored to be the first to welcome Rick Pitino to TUSCL with this post.
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    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Pornstars and escorting!
    Sheer curiosity: Has anyone made such an offer to such an actress while she's been featuring at a club? Such actresses often seem to work through an agent or scheduler of some sort of they do decide to escort, so if the conversation wound in that direction during her meet-and-greet merch time, I wonder if she would direct you to her scheduler or simply try to arrange something on her own.
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    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Chicago, should I even bother?
    Do not base Chicago club experiences off The Admiral. I went to The Admiral once to see a feature. I agree with everyone who said it sucked. Scores is near O'Hare and has bounced back after a couple down years. Polekatz is in Bridgeview, which is a southwest suburb. Bottoms stay on at Scores, they can come off at Polekatz. Both are full alcohol. Full grind and can usually touch anything but the kitty with most dancers if you earn a little trust and keep an eye out for staff. They're about 20 min. from each other, so if one isn't exciting me, I head to the other since I'm about 90 min. from O'Hare as is. Crazy as it sounds, I do find it worth the drive sometimes. Sometimes, I want my choice of girls who look like they could be movie stars. Can't get that in Wisconsin.
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    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Question Re a VIP Experience
    There's only one potential flaw to asking up front: She may think you're a club operative, LE, or someone else out to get her in trouble and may remain intentionally vague with you or even shoot you down if you're too direct. I suppose you could first declare you're not one of those things before posing questions, but it would probably be so awkward as to further raise suspicions. If you and the dancer get on the same wavelength, she may ask if you're LE, to which I usually respond, "No, are you?" I find it's best to do your homework about the club before you go. Check the reviews. Extras clubs have ways of making themselves known as such on this site. Generally, clubs either are or aren't. There are ultra-rare occasions where a girl in a non-extras club DGAF and surprises you, but know that these are rare and those girls tend to lose their jobs when another girl or a waitress tattles and they check the cameras. Don't expect extras in the non-extras clubs. Also, very few girls will provide extras for just the room fee. You almost always have to chip in extra for extras. Just saying you're a very good tipper can be a good way to start the discussion.
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    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Chicago, should I even bother?
    Allow me to say this: Chicago gets a worse rep than I think it deserves. There's are obvious negatives: Extras are non-existent, save at Arnie's, which is basically off-limits to me as a dopey white dude. And VIP rooms, where extras are non-existent, are ridiculously priced at, like, $600/30 min. Lappers are $30/each at many places, so no, it's not cheap. But allow me to say this: Give me the dancer selection at Scores or Polekatz in terms of high-end hotness over anything you'll find in Indianapolis, Milwaukee, or, I'm guessing, most non-Detroit places in the Midwest. Given my options, if I want to have my choice of 9s to sit in my lap, I will make Chicago excursions. Also, while yes, extras and OTC basically don't happen, I've gotten good grinds from many of those 9s, and many encourage me to hold their ample assets as much as I want. I haven't clubbed in Minneapolis, and nothing compares to Detroit. If city-style show clubs aren't your thing, or you want VIP time, then no, not the place to be. But I will sometimes pay the premium to go to Chicago and get lap dances with the super hotties that aren't as common elsewhere in the region.
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    7 years ago
    Chase a check, never chase a bitch
    Some places have a lot of them. There were a bunch at Penthouse in Detroit the last time I went -- a while ago, but still. My recent trip to Rhino in Vegas, they had a bunch. Generally speaking, among the civilian population, you find them more on the west coast. Is imagine that would make them more common in west coast clubs.
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    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    Customers that stink
    I feel like smelling nice is one of the easiest ways a guy can get better service. Just keep a can of body spray in the car. Believe me, women notice things like smell better than guys do, and just that little act of making yourself smell good will make her turn her contact level up a notch. As for dancers, to be honest, the best smell they can have is no smell. Yes, we've all encountered dancers with either a stanky ass or the smell of cigarette or weed, but to be honest, it's almost worse when a dancer has a bunch of perfume on. Yes, it smells better -- until she rubs it all over you and you have to explain why you smell like you do to your wife the next morning.