
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Everyday Low Pricing
    I bet they see Tuesdays and 2-for-1's as loss leaders. Guys come in for those, then think of the place for bachelor parties or other occasions. Or get hooked and eventually upgrade to VIP rooms or whatever. Bargain basement prices would eventually piss dancers off. There's something to be said for dancers not working for volume production and instead trying to get non-bargain hunters into VIP. One $300 room equals 30 dances at $10. Are you talking about Polekatz?
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    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Where to go for a One-Airport Strip-Clubbing Trip ?
    Aargh, hit 'Post' by mistake. Took three girls upstairs. Two provided desired services to completion. One of the best nights of my life.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Where to go for a One-Airport Strip-Clubbing Trip ?
    I did a 12-hour trip to Detroit once. $300 flight, $60 hotel, $50 rental car, probably $800 or so club outflow. Hit up Flight Club and Penthouse over four hours. Flight Club was dead, Penthouse was amazing. Took three fields upstairs
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    Has a stripper ever been more agressive than you?
    Detroit has one that bounces between Penthouse and Flight Club that goes by Taya. Talks so fast, you don't feel like you can get a word in edgewise. Tries to get you upstairs fast and for everything in your pocket by promising you the moon and the stars through some of the dirtiest talk you can imagine. Generally regarded as a giant ROB who bewilders you into overpaying with her super-aggressive approach. Best tip is to just keep saying "No."
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    How far have you driven for a strip club?
    Routinely drive about 90 mi. to get both to and from one club I like. Another is 75. Once went a 200 miles out of my way, both ways, via car to stop in at the Detroit clubs. Also once did a fly-in, fly-out night in Detroit. FS with two different 9's in two hours may still be the highlight of my life.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Thanksgiving SCing ?
    TFP: I will tell a dancer, if she sees me adjusting, exactly what I'm doing, with a twist. "Gotta make sure everything's in the right place. Don't want stuff getting pinched or squashed wrong down there. That can really hurt." They're usually fine with it then.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Detroit clubs
    The short version: Different parts of the country have different strip club cultures, depending on local laws and their level of enforcement, the girls, the morality of the city, etc. Some places let way more go than others. In general, though, an area will see all the clubs have a similar level of mileage, as they're all essentially putting their own spin on the same thing. Nashville, for instance, has a very restrictive club culture. Due to local law enforcement being badly underfunded, it having far worse things to concentrate on and the fact there's still money in the suburbs, Detroit has some show clubs on the fringes of town that are club-like only until you get to VIP, at which point, you find out much more can occasionally go on. Perhaps more than occasionally. This is why reviews are helpful, and why it's fun to travel. But so that the authorities of which we speak don't get too nosy, this is also why a certain discretion in discussing such matters subtly is always in order.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The hot civvie in the club
    I've occasionally seen girls out that are dancers just hanging out with friends either after their shift or on a night off. They're usually pretty hot. Did once run into a group of girls just hanging out and having fun, started interacting with them, and was able to join them for a while at a regular bar. Nothing came of it, though. It's fun to see the regular ladies out and looking good, but stay away from the bachelorette and birthday parties. They're just out to pretend to be crazy, not actually be.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    When doing ITC do you ....
    Color me different: I negotiate in the back. The reason? What does she have to prove if she knows what she's getting? What if you get in the back and she's really lame? Not to mention, I find it more exciting to not know where things are going to go. Of course, I only get to extras clubs once or twice a year. It's like a special treat when I can go, so I'm willing to pay a premium. If I went more regularly, I might work harder at mastering the art of negotiation.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Anti LDK stripperweb thread
    That thread is hilarious. Sorry, ladies. You'd have to be super-duper charming for me to even consider continuing to get dances if you're not giving me halfway decent contact. And I sure as heck ain't considering going to VIP with you. I'll get a dance or two with a girl who's good conversation and good on the pole sometimes, but that will be it. But for VIP, I better be getting good contact. I love how out of touch with what actually happens in clubs that site can be sometimes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    A real Dallas BD radio ad
    Just about every business that isn't online-based -- from strip clubs to sports teams to movie theaters to department stores -- is trying to figure out how to get people 35-and-under out of their homes and off their devices to get their attention. I say this knowing it might cause problems on this board, but I'm also betting there may be places and/or dancers who would prefer their clientele to be younger, and I'm guessing the non-bachelor party strip club average customer age has been steadily rising. If they have a really good setup -- really big, clear screen, almost like a movie screen, really comfy chairs and really good sound, then maybe I can see it working. I play games, but everything is enhanced with naked women around. It reminds me of movie theaters and how they're now trying really hard to make sure their viewing experience is better than what you get at home. This does speak, however, to what the real enemies of strip clubs are at the moment: Online porn and Tinder. Used to be that if you wanted to indulge your urges, you had to go seek out and either buy porn or visit a club. Now, it's right there in your hand if you want it to be. Plus, you can get whatever you want from online porn, basically. I think men's standards have risen, which means they're less willing to spend on 4's and 5's just to get *something*. I do think this is a little misguided, but I also understand places trying just about anything at this point.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    I actually clubbed in Chicago one night of Exxxotica this year. Saw the billboards and gave thought to seeing if I could get into the convention, but then looked up the schedule and realized I wasn't going to get more than a half an hour's worth of time before it closed down. The club experience was no different, that I could tell, with the convention going on. Maybe there were a few dancers that weren't on shift as usual because they were working the floor that day. That was it. Prices were no different.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    2 girls for every guy.
    I'd be for this if it were just the sex. OK, throw in an open bar, too. Drugs aren't my bag. And I'm fine with them being other people's bag -- hey, do what you want -- but I have this weird feeling that, on a boat like that, everything would reek of secondhand pot and crack smoke, most of the girls would be coked up, whatever. No thanks.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Good morning. Would you fuck this woman?
    Call me crazy, but I'd have to know more about her. If she's fun, if she's flirty, etc., OK. She falls in that "decidedly maybe" category. Not OMG YES, not no. Just maybe.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Do you have another Clubbing Persona?
    For the record, I did kind of have to play it cool. I said that the club had sponsored a softball team I was on in college and that meant I wasn't unfamiliar, something that club does do.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Do you have another Clubbing Persona?
    There was one time I had to go out with a bunch of guys to a club for a buddy's bachelor party. It was a little weird, not going to lie. Here I am, in my element, wondering if any of the dancers are going to know me or who I am. And here are all these other noobs I know from outside the club -- no better word for it, really -- totally not getting what the whole club thing is supposed to be about. No singles (some didn't even bring much money, period), all looking like deer in the headlights, all trying to act cool, then looking like they had never seen a naked woman in their lives. The weird part was seeing them all be so uncomfortable. That's what was strange to me. They're all there in their seats, squirming, not sure what to do. It's like, "Hey, it's just naked women. Enjoy it. Act like you've been around them before." I did buy a set of lappers for the groom with the hottest girl in there. He said I had excellent taste. Then, I went back the next weekend and did a room with the same girl. She said she remembered me and was happy I recommended her. Her room, though, wasn't stellar.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Lap Dance Skills: Advanced
    I sent a message, shailynn. Unfortunately, the club is about two hours away for me, and I have another CF there as well, so it will take some work. It's also a huge club that has a lot of dancers and customers, so I'm sure I'll probably fade into the din. Nonetheless, worth it. Like I say, we need more like her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dayshift - Where do you find the time and why bother?
    I will do dayshift occasionally, but it has to be just the right circumstances. I'll do dayshift if it's a quality extras club, like Penthouse or Flight Club, I'm on the road and I can't get in at night. I'll do dayshift if I get a day off, have nothing better to do and really feel the need to get away. But I feel ... weird and kinda wrong doing dayshift in other circumstances. During the day, I feel like I should be, you know, working. Even if I get a day off and it's just me. At worst, resting. Doing something productive. Not clubbing. I do very much believe some of the best ladies work during the day. And yes, more mileage and personal time sounds awesome. But I feel like it's just not the time of day to be doing that stuff. Also, yeah, I very much skew glam, and I don't mind the music too much. So night plays to that as well. Each has their pros and cons, I guess. But I skew night.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Clubs that Have 1,000+ Reviews
    The thing about Penthouse and Flight Club, both of which are awesome, is that if you're picky, you can get exactly what you want. Exactly. You may have to pay for it, but it will be there. I've crossed a lot of things off my bucket list at both clubs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Clubs that Have 1,000+ Reviews
    Been to three: Rhino, Flight Club and Brad's. Brad's ain't what it used to be. The end of $10 lappers was a dark day. Ladies are of OK quality, but nothing like the show clubs. Extras weren't available, but I did once have a takeout experience. Flight Club was accurately described as having extras available from Playboy-caliber women, though quality fluctuates. Penthouse Club has given me more consistent results in the D, but on my last trip, Flight Club had one girl that was the winner of the night. I keep hearing threats that the 8 Mile clubs are going to come under more scrutiny, so Flight Club might be the safer route going forward. I was ... less than impressed? ... with Rhino. Granted, I went at 3 a.m., which might have been part of the story. Did encounter one dancer I liked, but the pre-dance pace was too fast for me -- every girl that walked by asked for a dance, no small talk, it felt very transactional, especially for the prices.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What the whores feel
    TFP: Cool COI story. I dunno. It's kind of like trying to ask what it feels like to have a pussy, period. And I couldn't tell you. In general, though, a popular extras girl probably tries to focus on what makes each customer unique. For me, I only have so much bullshit tolerance. If she's too over-the-top with, "Oh you're so handsome, it's so big," etc., I'm going to kind of turn off. But if she picks up on what makes you different -- your personality, a mole, even if it's that your thing bends to the right, whatever, that makes it less boring for her, too. Let me put it to you this way: Say cost wasn't an issue and you got to get with five different smokin' hot extras girls in one night. It would be a different experience with each girl, right? Dane thing the other way around, I'd think.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Whales/regulars locking down dancers at cheap dives.
    It's been said before, but even if it looks like those guys aren't spending money, they probably either are, or have already done so. Maybe they plunked down a few hundred, or thousand, bucks at the start of the night and said, "I want the company of her, her and her for as long as I'm here." Maybe they did an hour or two in a room before you got there. Maybe they paid the dancer a nice sum up front. You don't know. Also, whales come in different forms. Sure, there are money-spending whales. But imagine if a club owner had other investors help them get the club started. You don't think he'd make sure they got top-notch treatment when they came in, spender or not? Or, hey, do you know what your local alderman looks like? Maybe they get treated really well at the club, too, too help make sure nothing code-wise becomes an issue. I mean, I get it, it's frustrating when the girl you see and like gets tied up. But this is a business, and there's usually always a business-related reason why it's going on.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Big Brother
    Julie Chen is hot, yes, but she also had work done in her face to make herself look "less Chinese" per the recommendation of one of her early TV bosses. It's one of those things I wish the networks didn't encourage. And yes, her relationship also must help her. Two big strikes in my book. The current season of BB has a contestant named Jessica who isn't hard on the eyes at all. There's also a redhead dance instructor who's surprisingly boobilicious and a muscle chick named Christmas who was a fitness model but racked her ankle really badly on the show and doesn't know what she's going to do now because she's never going to get back full mobility. It's been the best season for eye candy thus far.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    The D
    You should be able to get good quality FS for $300 at FC and PH. That's where the high-end talent is in Detroit. Negotiate and try to go when demand is lower.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Yeah. Vegas has everything.
    Review: Didn't even have to negotiate and the price was definitely right. But I found her cold and disinterested once the action started. 3 out of 10; will not repeat.