
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    I adore my SO dearly. I don't do this because she's lacking in any way. She's great emotionally, physically, in every way. I love her dearly. If anything, I do this because I didn't have someone like her in my life for far too long and am simply permanently damaged by that. She, too, does not know I do this. It would break my heart if she found out and decided to take away her love accordingly. It's part of my own self-destructive cycle. I know it will happen eventually, which stresses me out, which makes me want to relax by doing this. As such, I hurt for you, bud.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Disaster narrowly avoided. Time to take a break
    Locking my keys in my car at a strip club is, like, my number one fear when I go, beyond even running into someone I know. I sometimes change shirts before I go in, which is where I can forget I put my keys down on the seat or whatever. I think I am in the habit of always doing a check that I have my keys before I shut the car door to go in.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Places for extras with hot girls
    Read reviews. Also, remember, everything on this site is to be considered a work of fiction. You know, in case people explicitly name extras clubs and it gets the clubs in trouble, which is what you're asking folks to do, essentially defeating your own purpose.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Report on New SA girl
    I'm giving SA a shot on the basis of what I'm seeing here. Pros and cons thus far: Pro: Lots of options. Surprising amount. Pro: Quality seems pretty good. Pro: Seems like a lot of girls are pretty straightforward about what they want. You can be fairly straightforward, without being explicit, too. Pro: Already a couple favorites, including one I want to pursue. Con: To message, you need a picture and it needs to show your face. Ugh. Anonymity is kind of important to me. They've rejected my somewhat-concealed pictures thus far. Con: As another reminder why I don't want to post my picture, already saw a friend's pic on there. She doesn't need to know I'm doing this. Pro/Con: It shows who viewed you, which is nice for finding potential options, but also means I better not click on that friend's profile.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Iowa
    Another dead porn star
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Iowa
    Another dead porn star
    Ames and Stylez both. I just found out about Stylez today. She was an ATF. I once saw she was coming through as a featured escort and seriously considered if it was worth $2K. Did a search for her online for, ahem, other reasons and got a story that she was dead. Not what I wanted to see. While this is depressing -- Stylez was basically the complete package, from flirtiness to dancing to the many things she did on camera -- it also makes you scratch your head. Part of me wants to put on my tinfoil hat for this and wonder if these aren't coordinated somehow. Someone put bubble wrap around Lisa Ann.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How common are 9s and 10s?
    Crazy thing: I once was at an event with some famous models present. Some names you'd know -- there was at least one Hadid. Didn't get to personally meet them, but got to see them in person from not too far away. Even they didn't necessarily strike me as 10s. They were kind of freakish in ways you wouldn't expect. Legs so long they looked stretched. All rail thin to the point of looking almost frail. Boobs that, if real, didn't seem to match the body. Actually seeing them in person, they didn't even look normal, and it was a little freaky. That's how rare 10s are. Plus, my 10 is different than your 10. Presentation matters, and I can't help but take personality into account, too. I can probably say I've only met one in my life. Girl from Florida. She was like a second-coming of Marilyn Monroe in a 5'3" package. A lot of nines. Just one 10 in my eyes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Chatterbate model Bubblekush7 does a dance
    I like cute. Cute can make up for a lack of curves if she's got the right kind of attitude. She's got the right kind of attitude. And moves. I'd try and get dances. No doubt.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    First Childhood Crush
    My first experience getting wood was when they would do the cheerleader showcase on The Price is Right. Hot. First crush? Kathy Ireland. She had a swim and underwear line at Kmart for a while in the 90's. The circular coming out was like getting a new SI swimsuit issue in each week's Sunday paper. It was awesome. (I'm a little younger than a lot of you.)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Memories vs $$$
    Memories, no doubt. When it was Barbie's birthday and she asked me to LDK for her because I told her to stop before I would the time before. When Angelina got all goosebumpy after I breathed in her ear while she did the splits on me. The first girl to reach inside my pants. Each trip to Penthouse, including the two-girl night. The first OTC. And always with at least any 8 or 9. You kidding me? Priceless. The way I see it, I'm the one using my money wisely. Forget saving it for when I'm to decrepit to enjoy it like this. I'm the one doing it right.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    I'm new so I get to charge more
    I'm not new to spotting ROBs, so I get to say "No" faster.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Hate guys that make it rain
    It's a sign of inexperienced, and rather thoughtless, clubbers. The girl just wants your money. If you're going to spend $20 or $50, you might as well just do her the extra favor of giving her a single bill in that denomination. Then she doesn't have to go chasing 50 singles all over the place -- off the stage, into customers laps, whatever. OK, maybe split it into fives so she can pull them off tour ear or whatever. You're just making a show for yourself and annoying everyone else by making it rain. It's not exactly a PL trait, but it's a sign you're not a real monger and just a party guy who isn't there to either get the most bang for his buck or care what happens for anyone in the club other than him. Tip: It also means dancers probably are going to stay away because they know you're blowing your $200 at the stage and not in VIP.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper chemistry
    Some are just really, really good actresses. My feeling? If its just an act, I still enjoy it. See how far it goes and take it as far as you can.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Which North American City Has The Hottest Dancers Willing To Do Extras?
    It does seem as though Miami gets mentioned next most often after Detroit when it comes to extras, but not nearly as often or as consistently. Atlanta as well, though I get the impression it's moreso the black clubs. San Francisco sounds like it once had it going on, but not so much anymore. Detroit, however, is the place, although the 8 Mile clubs are having a bit of an issue right now. But there are far more clubs than just the 8 Mile ones. Play your cards right and FS should be happening for $300 with the right girl. You say it's too far, yet you've been able to do COI and Atlanta, which tells me you've been across the country. Hard for me to imagine you couldn't find a $200 flight to Detroit from anywhere in America if you plan it right.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    PH DET
    Strip clubs are a super-easy target to say, "Look, were getting tough!" Thing is, the crimes being committed are basically victimless if you're going after the dancers or customers (owners are probably involved in some form of money laundering at least, but we won't go there). It's getting tough the easy way, not trying to stop the gangs or drugs or violence that are a lot more difficult to stop and are a bigger problem (aside from manufacturing economics). Penthouse without curtains, or Detroit without Detroit-style clubs, takes away my reasons to want to come to Detroit and infuse their economy with my money. This is hurting more than it's helping. The idea of a Penthouse without extras would make me sad. Sounds like the coming reality, though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Have you ever found??
    I think those are the ones we all chase after. There are reasons. At the right places, the money can be good if you're smart enough not to blow it. Some girls find it to be easier than "real work." And, crazy as it may sound, there are a few straight-up nymphos out there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I don't need instructions. :)
    So much stupid here, it hurts my brain.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip clubs vs golf
    Good topic. I like both a lot. More time-consuming? Golf. Nine holes of golf takes about three hours. If I'm spending three hours at a club, I'm either not finding what I want or waiting too long to get it. Costly? Clubbing. I say this because the fall-off between a really good golf course and your local muni in terms of enjoyment is far less steep than the fall-off between a 9 and a 3 at a club. I get much the same enjoyment from golf whether I'm playing a really good course or a not-so-good one, and it's not hard to find a few deals here and there to play halfway decent courses without breaking the bank. I'm also OK with using my 10-year-old clubs and the el-cheapo balls, since I'll lose them eventually, anyway. Clubbing, even the most seasoned mongers will end up paying at least $100 a trip for decent service, and I tend to like good service. Easier to give up? Golf, no doubt. I gave up golf for a few years of my life, then picked it back up the last few. I think the longest I've gone without clubbing as an adult is a few months. Most of us are biologically wired to want to be sexual. Hitting a good 3-iron is enjoyable, but our species' survival has never depended on it. Here's my thing: I have a pretty strong introverted bent. One of the things I like about the club is that it gives girls a straightforward motivation -- money -- to come to me rather than me having to take the initiative to come to them and try and play the game of "what do I have to say/be/do to get what I want, which is really just sex, some intimacy and for you to leave me alone after I get that" like I would at a bar. If I had my way in a club, only the girls I make eye contact with or tip on stage would approach me for dances, and they would do the approaching. The rest would leave me alone. I like golf because it gives me the chance to be alone, with nature, with a challenge to make myself better. I love that golf gives me the chance to be alone with my thoughts for stretches, even when I play with others (though I most prefer to play alone). The club gives the chance to be alone until I want companionship, to get the companionship I want for the time I want with the level of privacy I want, then to be left alone after that. That's why I like both.