
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Strip club business around the Super Bowl
    The general consensus about Brad's Brass Flamingo is that it hasn't been the same since the Super Bowl came to Indianapolis. That was when they made the largely-useless club addition and did away with $10 dances. Other factors played in, but the Super Bowl is what seemed to get pointed to the most. A lot of stings, a lot of tough talk from law enforcement and a lot of inflated prices. Seems like you should just try to get into the Playboy party or just try to get laid the non-club way rather than risking it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The movies vs the strip clubs
    I don't necessarily mind paying high prices in clubs because, to me, they provide one of the most valuable services around. Still, I will sometimes try to limit spending on expenses unrelated to whatever dancer I'm pursuing. For instance, one drink per night at the club is enough for me, I switch to soda after that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    A Pornstar, a Stripper, and Your Ex
    1. I'm going to not only add one choice, but put it as my top option: "The One Who Got Away." Been kicking myself for 14 years about one woman. Would love to fix that wrong in my life, even if just for one night. After that: 2. Pornstar 3. Stripper 4. Ex
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Not doing a Club review
    I don't know if I'll ever choose to do or not do a review based on other reviews. I tend to have a different style to my reviews, so I know mine are usually going to be different. I'm usually more thorough, but also kind of like to center my review around a unifying idea I state upfront, like "There's a lot of silicone here," or "This club could use a refresh," or something like that. I will pull back my review if I feel like my experience is out of the norm. If I've been to a club enough times to know it's a non-extras club, but I happen to hit the jackpot, I probably won't submit a review, both because I don't want club management checking any tapes and because I don't want to mislead other review readers. What I try to remember is that the review isn't for me, it's for other clubbers of a wide range of experience levels to read. I try to assume the reader knows only the basics. I think about the reader's perspective, not my own.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Trust Ratings
    I, for one, give Founder credit for trying to do ... something. This is a board that comes with inherent challenges, but it's worth it to try and make it better for those who are trying to use it for its intended purpose. We're all talking anonymously about activities that largely lurk in the shadows. Given the nature of this hobby, I think 99 percent of us want the board to be anonymous. With anonymity, though, comes little personal responsibility and few consequences for actions, unless they're essentially self-imposed. Accordingly, some people who just want to have an outlet for acting goofy will treat such a forum as a Petri dish for trolling. 'Ignore' functionality, and just ignoring, is a small way of fighting it, but as mentioned, a lot of folks probably just lurk for intel and don't actually get an account or post, much less hit 'Ignore'. As such, if you're not doing that, this place can look like a troll farm. Also, while it's not like we're necessarily in need of taking our conversations onto the dark web, we are discussing something — patronizing strip clubs — that many look down upon and some would probably like not to be possible, at least in a NIMBY sort of way. That doesn't even take into account discussion of activities that may be beyond the scope of what is considered legal ... you know, like when we drive 10 over the speed limit because we're eager to get to the club, ahem. As such, I think we look like worthy targets for trolling, as we're already on the seedy side to begin with, fast drivers that we are. All of us that take this a little bit seriously have a bit of a libertarian bent in the sense that we don't particularly like rules and don't necessarily see why an exchange of cash for services should be wrong for either party. However, when the trolls take over in spurts, I think those of us non-trolls agree that it gets annoying having to sort out the legit content. As such, getting together and using a collective presence to encourage an authority figure (Founder) to do something about it seems like a logical progression. Other sites have cut down on trolling by attaching identity, like Facebook or whatever, but again, that would largely kill off this board, not to mention that we're finding out first-hand that Facebook probably has incentive to encourage trolls in ways. Also, this is another time when folks should be reminded that not only is everything on this site a work of fiction, it's also good to be careful with what details go where. All I'll say is "PM me for more info," if you know what I mean. So yeah. It's not going to be perfect. There may be some very trustworthy folks here that just don't club very much, but do a good job with what reviews they do submit. There may be others who are great reviewers but really idiotic on the message boards. Hard to say. But at least someone's trying to make it better. I appreciate that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit Assistance
    Flight Club and Penthouse are so similar that, if you're not a regular you were magically dripped into one or the other, you'd have to think for a moment which one you're in. Of course, now, the big difference between the two is that Flight Club has curtains upstairs. For the time being, it sounds like Flight Club has become Detroit's new destination. I mourn Penthouse, but for now, at least we know where the talent has probably landed.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    8 Mile Blues
    YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! Also, you're damn right I ordered the Code Red.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In the VIP
    "Rituals" before heading off to the club?
    I work nights, not on a regular schedule. I pretty much "know" which nights are going to be club nights well ahead of time. Morning of, I make sure I have the shirts I need for day work, night work and the club when I leave. When the night work gets done, it depends. I usually change shirts on the way to the club. There's one club where I change in a nearby hotel parking lot. If I need cash, I stop at a nearby ATM and pull out what I want my budget goal to be for the night, though I also think about what plausible overage could be if an OTC opportunity pops up or I'm just having a good time and need to hit the club machine. If it's a UHM or extras club, I make sure to grab protection or stop at a drug store and get some. A little cologne after I get to the club parking lot and in the door I go.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    8 Mile Blues
    I've noticed the Auto Show mentioned as, perhaps, part of the reason for the timing. Was there any crackdown when the Super Bowl was in Detroit? The media focused on that one "mobile strip club," but I'm wondering what it was like at the more monger-friendly clubs. They typically do more stings in the Super Bowl city around the big game. I wonder if it was business as usual, if there was more business, if customers stayed away because of fear of stings, etc. There's a certain large college basketball tournament coming to Detroit this March, which makes me wonder if that plays in.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Deal or no deal - $1600 for 4 hours of GFE in VIP w/ no sex
    Let me preface this by saying the guy's happy, so it should be hard for us to complain. Granted, maybe there's some blissful ignorance here, either about price, level of service or whatever, but if he has the money, he can do whatever he wants with it. That said: 1. You can usually sit in the VIP upstairs area at Polekatz if you dress nicely, are well-spoken and come solo. No card needed. 2. If you're in that area, waitresses find you quickly, as do either dancers or hosts to ask if you have a type of dancer you like. 3. While there's an expectation you'll eventually spend some money if you're up there, dancers will take the time to just sit with you and get to know you, and if that's what you're looking for, you can get it without necessarily going to a room but just by paying for a few dances. If you're the least bit engaging, dancers will enjoy your company. I find that just buying a drink for a dancer often gets 15-30 min. of her time, while letting her go after a dance or two "so she can go make more money" is usually a nice enough gesture to earn even more time my next club visit. My typical Polekatz visit runs $125-$300, median $250 or so, with cover and drinks. They have some great hotties, though I was a little underwhelmed my last visit. Some fun can occur in rooms, but not much.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    ever do so poorly during sex you feel bad?
    Very first time. Really cute girl in Chicago. I think she put spermicide in or douched or something before we started because she wouldn't let me go down on her. That threw me off, because I knew I was going to be nervous, so my plan was to make her happy, then hope that was enough if I struggled. Instead, I was really thrown and nothing worked right. The conversation portion went poorly afterward, too, and she never wanted to see me again. It was all uphill from there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rate this stripper
    I agree with 6. OK, but not spectacular, bod. Cute face, but bad makeup in a lot of those shots. Dumb tattoos are a turnoff. Lose the tattoos, better hair & makeup, a little bustier and there's a lot of potential. I don't like the odds of any of those things happening, though. If she's near the upper end at your club, find a better club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are you as cheap in the club as you are in real life?
    I'm far looser with money at the club than I am in real life. You pay for quality, and at the club, I want quality. Real life? Don't care. I drive a hoopty. Live in a decent place now, but kinda miss the tiny, messy apartment I used to live in. Save that cash for the club, man.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancer Turnover
    I think a lot of good points have already been made. I think a number of the better girls do it to pay for a particular thing: College, maybe, but more often a car, holiday presents, a TV, etc. Once they have whay they need, they don't do it anymore. Knew one girl who was great whom I happened to encounter on her last night before "retiring." Had a day job as a nurse and she found out her boyfriend was popping the question soon. She was earning/saving for a wedding and now that she knew she was getting one, it was planning time, not earning/saving time anymore. I do also think there are some freaky guys out there that turn some girls off to this business quickly. Also, if you didn't have great self-esteem coming in, you have body issues and you can immediately tell you're not as good looking as the other dancers, I can see it getting depressing fast. A lot of the ones who hang on are the sweethearts, though, if you treat them right. They have an appreciation for us hardcore mongers who appreciate them back. They're the yin to our yang, in more ways than one.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weird Club Hangups
    Glitter sucks, but spray tan sucks worse because you usually can't tell if a dancer is wearing it in a dark club until you get home and it's all over your clothes. Overdone makeup falls into this category, too. Use fake eyebrows instead of gobs of mascara along with finishing powder spray, ladies. Bad smells are also a peeve. I notice way more dancers at dive clubs than show clubs have crotch rot for some reason. The tobacco smell is also a turnoff. I particularly don't care for dancers who only have one stupid pitch. There's a muscular dancer at one club I frequent who gives a decent lapper, but always includes in her introduction that she'd like to put whipped cream all over you and lick it off. It was OK the first time, but by the fifth or sixth visit, I wanted to tell her, "Lady, you need a new act."
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Franklin, WI 2AMer
    Cash: All I know is that, if guns start blazing while I'm at the club, I'm going the opposite of another Mexican restaurant, Taco Bell, and making a run FROM The Border. [insert joke about how Taco Bell isn't actually Mexican, or food]
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Whats its about DO dances
    I've been to clubs where she does. The answer might be "No" if she's asking the management and it's a club where she has to keep her bottoms on. Also, I've been to clubs where the dances are a different price with bottoms on and off. So the answer might be "No" as well. Touché, Senor Papi. :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    High School girls dancing
    Been to a number of clubs where dancers under 21 have to wear a wristband of a certain color to show they can't drink. Think I remember talking to one dancer at such a club who said she had just graduated high school and was dancing for college money.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Whats its about DO dances
    Even in extras clubs, not every girl there offers them. Seems to me that you'd want to ask or suggest first rather than going the Nike route and just doing it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Franklin, WI 2AMer
    Touching a dancer at OTB isn't usually an issue. Probably the loosest show club around Milwaukee with regards to contact, at least in my experience. That said, this is somewhat scary because I frequent this club. However, I think this isn't the norm for OTB, either.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Art of Negotiation
    Not getting high-balled is part of the reason I always imply I'm reasonably local when I try to negotiate ITC or OTC. If she thinks I might be repeat business, or thinks I'm familiar with other dancers' prices, she'll usually be more reasonable herself. When I go to Detroit, for instance, I say I'm from Dearborn or Pontiac or whatever but staying closer to the city tonight for business the next day. It implies I'm close enough that I might come back. If I say I'm from as far away as I really am, she's gong to think I'm a business traveler, unfamiliar with the market and desperate to get some, and she's going to high-ball me. No thanks.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Art of Negotiation
    Yes, know what others pay. Read reviews. I only get to Detroit once every two years or so, but when I do, I read up and maybe even DM a couple recent reviewers. Right now, over $350 is overpaying. Also, remember this key phrase: "You can take $X or you can get nothing." Let that threat of waking away be there. Also, don't be afraid to walk away. The right club should have multiple options. Say "No" and let her consider that some other girl is going to get the money you have instead of her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strippers wanting to do HARD drugs with you
    That would be the end of my relationship with that dancer, no matter how hot. Never done any drug other than alcohol. As addictive and expensive as they make coke sound, I would guess not even getting started is the best idea. No personal experience, so I might be totally wrong. But no thanks.