
Comments by DougS (page 23)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strips as an affair substitute
    I don't think of it as an alternative to an affair at all. I think of it AS an affair. Whether it be all in one's head (the one with the brain), or something more substantial, it's still an affair. Actually, I think strip clubbing opens the flood gates to having an affair. I never would've considered having an affair, either. I also have a very attractive wife, etc., but after years of clubbing, striking up a relationship with another non-dancing woman didn't seem like taking that much of a step. Once that ended, that was about the same time when I started having deeper relationships with the dancers ITC, which then led to the string of OTCing that I've been doing ever since. This attitude sort of escalates, which led to some emotional ties being formed with my last two favs (prev-ATF and ATF). Currently, I find myself with a whole lot more feelings for my ATF than I should have, and I don't see that decreasing. If anything, it's going in the other direction, and I'm thinking it's becoming more and more mutual. I don't know if it's the result of this relationship, or not, but I think it's certainly at least affected both of our marriages negatively. She's, at least temporarily separated - possibly permanently. Rambling aside, there are most definitely a lot of temptations being offered in the clubs, and it is all too easy to find yourself in a situation that is not the least bit conducive to maintaining your marriage.
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    17 years ago
    It's kind'a funny that you mention it. I never bought any gifts (outside of a card or something like that) for any of my girls until my ATF came along (err, poor choice of words). Upon reflection, I think it's directly related to the level of "feelings" for the girl. -> CDs - probably about 20 (mostly purchased from iTunes) -> a REALLY nice digital camera, plus spare battery & chrgr, several mem cards (birthday present) -> stripper wear - panties (as she called them), an outfit -> helped her with first month rent oh her house -> car charger for her phone -> a few gifts of money to help her out at trying times (she may be heading for the big "D" - no, not Dallas)
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    17 years ago
    Glory Holes
    Clubber's question is the main reason that I would never try the glory hole experiment. If I can't be sure it's a girl, and a hot one at that, there is NO frickin' way! The clear plexiglass wall is the only option for me. And even then, I would have to get past the thought of what my flesh would be touching on the wall, and the perimeter of the hole. So... IF the wall was clear plexiglass, and behind it was a beautiful girl, and I was able to disinfect the entire wall and opening, I MIGHT give it a shot.
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    17 years ago
    Where / how do they learn their trade?!!!
    I don't blame the girls one bit, nor am I bothered by "the game". I only asked the question because I truly would like to know how they learn their "acting skills' and persuasion techniques, and all that goes into making them look and act seductively. I know if the roles were reversed, I would not be able to warm up to women that I had no desire for. I would not be able to convince them that I was hot for them. I could not keep the conversation rolling along with someone that I could careless to talk to. Just acting seductively must take some practice. Maybe it just comes naturally to them. Maybe they practice in front of a mirror. Take my ATF for instance (err... not literally). She just oozes sexuality, without seemingly trying. She has all of the facial expressions down to a science; a slight lift of an eyebrow, a tilt of her head with a flip of her hair, a sexy "I want you to fuck me now" smile. Can that just come naturally? Of course the cons (at which I don't think my ATF excels, 'cause I don't think she's like that) and the lines that make you keep forking out the money. Do you suppose they sit in the dressing room comparing notes on what lines work in which situation?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Age and date of first sc or equivalent experience.
    I was about 26 or 27 and a group of guys (6 maybe) went to The Torch Lounge in South Bend. It was interesting to see the girls dancing, but there were no girls that caught my eye to the extent that I'd be interested in playing with. I didn't see anyone getting any dances, especially not from the group that I was with. Even if I'd been inclined to get a dance, I probably wouldn't have had the nerve, and probably wouldn't have with my friends around. Instead, we drank beers, and chatted up a few of the dancers. All in all, it was not memorable, and not fun enough that I'd be interested in hitting another SC.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    A vocabulary lesson
    From my Prev-ATF, I learned what a "blunt" was. From a recent fav, I learned the term "freaky head".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Masturbation on stage
    After all of these years, until a few months ago I didn't realize that it was illegal in my Indiana clubs (geesh, how could I have missed that?!).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Your Favorite Seats
    Chandler: I typically don't hit the high volume nights like the weekends, since it's much more difficult to get out of the house for such a "business" trip.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Will there always be a 'fav' ?
    Of course! I have had an ATF for the last 10+ years (of course that has been five different girls; either I tire of her, or she of me, then I meet a new girl and suddenly SHE becomes Miss ATF). My current ATF has laid claim to that lofty position for almost exactly one year. In addition to my ATF, I usually have two or three favs that I hold near and dear to my heart.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What is a Regular?
    I'm not a regular, in the true definition. Due to my life OTC, the most "regular" interval that I've ever visited clubs is a stretch of about 3 months where I visited HH every other week. Typically, the frequency that I visit my ATF (OTC) and/or go to a club is about once every two to three months. There are basically two clubs that I hit 90% of the time - the other 10% visits are done while out of town on business. I usually drop $400 - $1000 per visit, which may also include OTCing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Your Favorite Seats
    Except for short periods of time when I'm trying to get the stage dancer's attention, or waiting to tip the dancer on stage, you will not find me stage side. When you sit at the stage, you are pretty much obligated to keep the George's flowing. It's a waste of money, unless you truly have an interest in the current dancer. Typically, when I walk in to a club, I will place myself where I have a good view of the stage, and somewhere in the middle between the stage and the wall. Ideally, someplace where I can also monitor the private dance area - or at least the VIP doorway. Gotta see who is popular, and who does multiple dances (don't want to pick a girl that is a one dance wonder - not enough mileage to warrant more than a few dances). When at BBF, I usually sit at one of the upper level tables, close to a stair way so that I can quickly make my way to the stage if the stage act gets my attention. It also lets me take a dancer back to the private dance area and/or VIP easily, without having to zig-zag my way between tables with girl in tow. Since I have more experience at HH than any other club, the following might be helpful to anyone going there; When at HH, I almost always get the same exact table - I get there before the crowds hit, so it's pretty likely to be open. If not, I sit as close to it as possible and keep moving to closer tables as they open up, until I get to my preferred table. Looking at the stage, I sit at the table located off the left corner, two rows back - on the aisle near the old bar. From this table you can see who is arriving and departing at the club entrance, you can look down the hall to the back door exit. There's also a great sight line to the small dressing room / girls bathroom that a lot of dancers pop into to freshen their hair and makeup, and perform necessary outfit adjustments (NOTE: you often can see more flesh in that room than you see on the dance floor, if you keep an eye open). Also, the walkway from the bar (the office is behind the door in the bar) to the floor is immediately behind you and dancers congregate there. You also have an excellent view of The Wall area so you can monitor the mileage going on, and more importantly a perfect view of The Love Corner (the one opposite the TV, and the darkest spot for getting ultra mileage). As a bonus, you can see who is coming up behind you by watching the reflection in the mirror on the back wall of the stage. You are also strategically placed to grab the attention of dancers getting on / off the stage, and arriving / departing The Wall area. This table is probably the highest traffic area in the whole place. Once I have a hottie picked out for some private chat / dance / play time, I usually take her and my drink to one of the tables adjacent to The Love Corner for more darkness and privacy. From that table it's very easy to watch when the Love Corner is available and to quickly grab it before the next fun-loving couple sits down.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever had a stripper act like your dumb for travelling so far??
    No, never. First off, if it's a dancer that I don't know, I will tell her that I'm in town for business, even when I've just driven three hours to specifically to hit the club. I don't want to appear desperate enough to drive that far for a strip club. On the other hand, my ATF / faves all know that they are the sole reason that I am traveling to their club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Miss Teen South Carolina
    Someone above asked if any Miss Teen contestants will end up as strippers. Of course there are some that will end up in some form of adult entertainment. At some point in their lives, they will realize that their only talent is that they are pretty and will leverage that to their advantage. Can't blame them, right? However, I've met a few beauty pageant contestants (actually dated the runner-up to Miss Teen Indiana, while at college) and from personal experience, they were prissy, prim and proper and unlikely to get into "nasty" activities.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Suffering from Pervertism...
    Lopaw: I have a bottle of Patron with your name on it. [wink]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Miss Teen South Carolina
    Yeah, she is one smokin' hot girl. You can't really judge her IQ from her answer, with all of the pressure involved and all, but she sounded like she was dumber than an empty box of rocks. I say, who cares?!! In a heartbeat, baby... in a heartbeat!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Suffering from Pervertism...
    Uhh... I think I'd gladly inject some err... "testosterone" into our Miss Lopaw. Sorry, Lopaw, but being a pervert, THAT is where MY mind went. Sure you don't want to play on the other side of the fence for awhile?! [wink]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Female squirting orgasms. Fact or fiction?
    I don't have time to go back and find the aforementioned link, but here is another link to a website that talks about squirting from a more clinical perspective. http://www.the-clitoris.com/f_html/ejacula.htm
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Female squirting orgasms. Fact or fiction?
    Not to jump on the bandwagon, but most definitely true. We've had a threat about this in the past - maybe two or three months ago. Anyhow, I posted a link to a video that shows one how to make a woman squirt. The technique works! [wink]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Totally private rooms
    Casualguy: I'd be very surprised if there were such a VIP area anywhere. If nothing else, they'd have a camera for the protection of the dancer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    otally private rooms
    These are the only ones that I've experienced; Solid Gold - London, Ontario | EXCELLENT. It was more like a three-sided cubicle, but plenty of privacy for some fun. I don't remember the cost, but it was still cheap with the conversion rate. Silk N Lace - Indianapolis | not again, even with my prev-ATF dancing there. Private room with a padded bench for the patron, and a chair for dancer usage (props). Quite private with a poster-sized window in the door. Heavily monitored camera. Dancer touches you, you cannot touch the dancer except on her back. No thanks!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip clubbing and the weather. Go or not?
    Minnow: That's an understatement. It resulted in the biggest wet spot I've ever had, too!
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How old is you vavorite dancer/s?
    I believe the youngest that I've ever had dance for me was 19. The oldest, would probably have been about 33. My ATF is 24, which seems like a nice age to me!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat: I think you'd be suffering from a dumbass attack if you didn't leave with T and go fuck. I'm pretty sure the rest of your entourage would agree.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Huge Nipples.... A turn on or turn off??
    Bones: When I first read your post above about the dancer at BBF with the large nips, I went back and read your review and thought you might've met up with my ATF. When I first saw her tits, that was the most outstanding (literally) feature of those perfect breasts. I definitely think hard nips is a turn on. The actual size of the nips can be sexy, too. If they are huge, but the breasts are small, I don't like that look, however if the breasts are a nice size, then the large nips look just right. Either way, the big nips are nice to lick and suckle, especially since most big nips seem to be extra sensitive (or so they tell me).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip clubbing and the weather. Go or not?
    The weather plays absolutely NO factor in my clubbing (especially not in my OTCing). I have to plot everything out, so I can never have a spontaneous visit. I gotta get out of work, arrange a hotel, coordinate parenting duties with the wife, formulate a plausible alibi and get approval from the wife, coordinate my schedule with my ATF (if I'm meeting up with her, which 99% of the time I am). So, there's no way that I'd let a little thing like weather influence me. In fact, a few years ago (Nov 15, 2005), I had an OTC arranged with my prev-ATF. The weather was terrible when I left for what normally is about a 2.5 - 3.0 hour drive. It was raining so hard that you couldn't see more than 20 feet in front of the car. I thought it'd get better the closer that I got, but instead it remained about the same - if not worse. The big head was saying, "this is crazy, turn around", the little head said "shuddup and keep drivin'!" About half-way between Kokomo and Indy (somewhere around Westville or is it Westfield?), it went from bad to worse. The wind was really picking up, it got much darker and the rain was horrendous. I literally could not see a thing. My wipers were doing nothing at all. I could see some taillights in front of me and some people were even stopping, but me, I wanted to see my girl... couldn't wait for my OTC plans to materialize. Then, there were some monstrous winds... I like storms, and even enjoy "storm chasing", but I was getting a bit nervous. Something happened at this point... still not sure what it was, but I remember a massive gust of wind, a sense of tipping (I THINK my Explorer went up on two wheels), and the next thing I knew, I was sitting in the left lane and was getting wet - I HAD been driving in the right lane. The right front passenger window and the large right rear quarter windows had shattered in, glass, grass, mud and water were everywhere and the rain was blowing in. Both windshield wipers were going back and forth, but they were bent at 90 degree angles away from the windshield and doing nothing. I was in shock. I started driving towards Indy again... it was probably three minutes later when I came to my senses and realized there was no way that I could continue to Indy in this weather, with no windows. I looked in the mirror and my face and hands were bloody. I even had glass in my ear! I know there were tornadoes in the south Indy area, but I THINK I found one north of Indy that night. I have pics if anyone wants to see... So, I will drive through ALMOST anything to get to the club (or hotel).