
Comments by DougS (page 21)

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    17 years ago
    How to date a stripper...
    AbbieNormal: In answer to your first question... why did my friend spend so much time in SC's trying to pick up strippers? First of all, he didn't frequent the clubs. I frequented the clubs. He merely passed along advice to me, from his experience, something that actually worked for him. When he DID want something a little different... a little wilder... a little kinkier, he'd head to the strip club and pick up some take out. And yes, way back in '05, just after I'd discovered this discussion board, I'd wanted to post something that I hoped could benefit the masses. I'd just returned from a business trip to his home town where we'd met up and hit a club together. He'd called a dancer over and introduced her to me, telling me that she was his new fuck buddy (he says this in front of her), and he asked her to tell me how they met. Giggling, she recounted the story that he'd just told me, proving that his method worked, at least on her that time. Yes, I passed it off as MY guidelines, because I thought it lost some credibility to say "my friend says...."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    ClevelandTom: Sit tight, I think WhghLost is about due to make another attempt to clear up the confusion with that dancer... [wink] Hmm... maybe if he can't come in the club when she's there, he could just park next to her car in the parking lot, and he could maybe flash his lights at her when she leaves the building.... yeah, that might work!
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    17 years ago
    David9s: Before I get into the topic, what exactly is CR? I've not seen that acronym before, but I'm assuming that it stands for Couch Room? We've discussed this topic before, but it has been a while, and besides, this is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. Ironically, I think I was the one that started the thread the last time... Based upon my personal experience, I don't think the extended mouth-to-mouth kissing, "make out session" and/or DFKing is as common as one would think. I consider myself to be a seasoned veteran of the SC scene, and I would guess that there have been fewer than 10 dancers with whom I've shared that pleasure. The dancers and the experiences that I've had with them has pretty much run the proverbial gamut, even with the number of them small. I've had a few instances where we've done it during our first dance session (NEVER the first dance), and a few instances where it's taken quite a bit of time to get there, a la with a dancer holding at least fav, if not ATF status. My list of rules that I've followed are much less stringent than yours, and are as follows; 1. I never make the move first... she needs to initiate it 2. she needs to be very attractive to me (duh!) - no sleazy lookin' girls 3. no bad breath (though cigarette breath has become acceptable) Short list... guess I'm too easy, eh?! I enjoy the kiss enough that although it would make it more enjoyable, some things can be overlooked. Obviously, if she gives you the impression that there's some meaning and desire behind it, it is MUCH hotter than if you are thinking that it's just one of those things that she does with any guy that has some Jackson's burning a hole in his pocket. I think there are a lot of dancers out there that DO use the kiss as one of the tools in her arsenal of tricks to increase her bottom line. At least one of the girls on my list fell into that category, but I still enjoyed it. Another factor that seems to play a big role is the club and/or region. I think there are some clubs where kissing is more normal and used more frequently. Or maybe it's just the fact that dancer X started doing it and now dancer XX has to do it in order to compete for business. Either way, the environment surely plays a role in it. I think there is a chemical influence at work in some of these cases. It could be too much to drink, or maybe she's had too much weed... or it could be of the pill nature such as ecstasy. For instance, one of my kissing partners had imbibed more than her share of liquor the night that we shared our first (and only) dance session and also resulted in sharing a whole lot of saliva. Lastly, there is the mutual attraction angle. Maybe I'm naive, but I believe that several of the girls on my list were kissing me because they wanted to and enjoyed it. I'm sure the regular posters here will be rolling their eyes soon, because I've already related this story before, but here goes; A year ago this month, I met my ATF during a business trip. I was immediately attracted to her, and either she is a very good actress (always possible) or she felt the same way. Anyhow, the first night I discovered her just an hour before the place closed, so we spent what time we had in VIP, and had a great time. The second night at the club, I took her back to VIP as soon as she got out on the floor after changing, and we had another enjoyable time. During that marathon session, I noticed that I found our lips in close proximity more and more frequently - we'd be staring into each other's eyes, and I was REALLY wanting to kiss her. As our lips were seemingly drawn to each other over and over, she would pull away and ask, "what are you thinking?", to which I'd reply something corny like "I'm just thinking about how beautiful you are". After repeating that scenario a half-dozen times, she finally announced, "I KNOW what you are thinking and it would make it worse for both of us" I didn't really know how to take that, but I told her "it doesn't matter, I've already fallen for you". She kind'a laughed, and rolled her eyes. Soon we were at it again, only this time as our lips got closer together, we looked deeply into each other's eyes. I think we knew what was going to happen next. There was no pulling away - just a long, slow, almost torturous lean-in until our lips met and sensuously parted. Whew, I'm telling you! I'm in my mid-forties and have had my share of women, but THAT was THE hottest kiss that I've EVER experienced to this day. By the end of the night, my lips were chapped from all of the kissing that we did... We saw each other one more night during that trip, which also ended up being a long make-out session. My lips were sore for several days after, but it was all worth it. Coincidentally, I'll be spending the day with her tomorrow and I can't wait!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    When the opportunity to engage in this activity is offered to me, I think it all comes down to familiarity and my comfort level with her - more specifically how I perceive the chances are that she's carrying something that I might catch. If I were dancing a girl for the first time and she was already sticking her mound within tongue shot, red flags would be waving in my mind telling me "don't do that.. it's not a good idea!" I'd like to think that I'd listen to that inner voice and stay safe, but in my most recent club escapade, after prolonged heavy contact and extensive DFKing, along with promises of OTC later to come that night, had the dancer offered that treat to me, I probably would've obliged. Interestingly, everyone touched upon the DATY aspect of the question... no one mentioned the "other". DATO, also known as "rim job, "Dining At The O" or analingus, is something that I've never performed on anyone, but (no pun intended) I HAVE been on the receiving end (no pun intended), and let me say that it's quite pleasurable. I'm not even sure that I could bring myself to try. Let me tell you, I'd have to be totally sure that it was... well... clean enough to eat off of. It'd have to appear extremely clean both by visual inspection and by fresh smell. However, the girl that performed it on me didn't hesitate, though I DO take care to make sure I am clean EVERYWHERE, including there... and I DO actually shave that whole region, crack and all. It was a memorable experience, and I'd like to give that experience to a certain ATF at some time in the future.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dallas Info needed
    Traveler: I'm not that familiar with Dallas, only having been there once, but it seemed like everything was within easy reach. You will find that the bulk of the clubs are off Northwest Highway, and once there, they are all grouped fairly close together. On my visit, Baby Dolls was BY FAR the best club that I visited - very hot girls, VHM. However, in recent months, apparently the LE is cracking down on activities at BDD, and mileage has dropped dramatically. Recent reviews indicate that the club to visit is now Clubhouse. I also visited that club when in town, and found it was very good... it's all nude, BYOB, and decent contact. Recent reviews also indicate that mileage is on the upswing here, and because of that, I would recommend Clubhouse for your visit. If you can make both, BDD is still worth a visit. From my experience, and other reviews agree, the best selection of the hottest dancers in Dallas can be found at BDD. If you want the mileage, go to Clubhouse.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thoughts on Dancer contact
    I glossed over part of the question in my earlier responses... I assume you are implying condoms, when you ask about protection. Do I carry protection ITC... I have never carried it in the club. I've never been in a situation where I needed protection inside a club, and don't foresee the need - at least in the clubs that I frequent. I've also been of the opinion that if I ever encounter a situation in a club, where extras are being offered, and the environment appears agreeable to me, I'm assuming that the dancer will be packing her own protection. I do ALWAYS have PLENTY of protection on hand in my hotel for OTC activities, however. You never know when it will cum in handy!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fondl: Just to clarify, I don't consider DATY servicing her, although I DO hope she is enjoying it. I get pleasure out of it myself... it's a definite turn on to give someone else pleasure, and the fact that she is allowing me to venture into "forbidden" territory, is also a bigger turn on. Now, if I were not getting anything out of the act, I would say that I was servicing her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Oz: At the time, besides me, I don't think she (referring to my prev-ATF) was giving it up to anyone other than her on-again-off-again BF. Of course I can never be sure, but everything indicates that I was her first OTC partner and I believe it was I that corrupted her. After having reacquainted myself with her last fall, after about a year's absence, I'm pretty sure that her situation and practices have changed enough so that I wouldn't stick my tongue - or any other part of my anatomy inside her again. I'm fairly sure she's doing meth, and walking on the wild side, now. Such a shame.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Will the stripper be replaced?
    Fondl: I think the term "broad" categories refers to groups that dancers can be placed into, rather than clubs... [snicker]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Return to the radio
    BookGuy: Welcome back.. I also saw the three reviews over the weekend, and wondered if that was indicative that your absence was over... guess so.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    How obsessed are you?
    I would probably say that in my case, I border on obsessive. If I didn't live hours away from the nearest SC of any value, I'd be going to the club at least a few times a week. Lucky for me, I don't.. so, I only get to visit one every few months, if at all. Actually, if you don't count OTCing, my frequency is next to nothing. I miss being with my ATF, so in order to fill that void, I visit clubs. When I can't do either, I fill that void talking and thinking about the clubs, and that is where TUSCL comes in. TUSCL gives me sort of a SC "fix". I am checking TUSCL on and off throughout the weekdays... maybe as many as 10 - 15 times. On the weekends, maybe once a day.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Meeting Billy Joel
    Yes, Billy Joel equates to BJ ... just as the other crooner, Frank Sinatra corresponds to FS. No implications as to what gender, though it's safe to assume we are all talking about the opposite sex. On the occasions where it's been offered, I'm usually in no condition to insist on donning a raincoat. At that point, all I'm think about is her warm oral talents. When used, it's been on the insistence of the girl, who obviously is exposing herself to more than I am. I'm actually more concerned about catching something while giving oral, than receiving. Other than using a dental dam, which seems awfully cumbersome, not to mention insulting to the girl, there's no protection. After these unprotected dalliances, I am paranoid for a while, but so far, I've been luckuy. As for FS... so far, I've always used protection. Knowing my willpower, I can foresee a time where I will throw caution to the wind in certain circumstances, but hopefully I will NOT do something stupid.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thoughts on Dancer contact
    During dances, I prefer slow sensual contact, combined with a lot of eye contact and intimate chat. I prefer NOT to blow my load in the club environment. I do NOT want to stand up trying to cover a wetspot. Yes, there have been times that due to the insistence of the dancer, along with the mood, etc., that I've broken that rule, but it takes a lot of convincing. I almost gave into temptation and the temptress the last time that I was in a club, but I was able to instead put her off and arrange an OTC hookup after she left work. MUCH more favorable indeed. I'm not sure if it's the clubs that I frequent, my choice in dancers, or my "rules", but I can count on one hand, the number of times Mr Happy has been exposed to the elements ITC, in all of my years. Probably the same amount of times for me to be unzippered, while ITC. Less than a dozen - actually quite a bit less - dancers have squeezed their hand inside to get to know Mr Happy, ITC. OTC, is where I want to have those sort of experiences to take place.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Supposed Dancer from Bugsys..
    Just to clarify... I didn't for a second think that the pic was of EvilCyn. I also noticed that the post was not written as fluently as the EvilCyn that we all "know" and love. I was merely asking if by chance she, or Bones knew who the dancer was - of if it was even a Bugsy dancer. the pic was taken in a dressing room or bathroom... was also wondering if the decor looked familiar. Lastly, from reading EvilCyn's postings, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't post a pic of herself like that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fake review.
    DennySpade: A while back - last year... or was it two years ago, Jimmy's Restaurant experienced a meteoric rise on the top 40 list. If I remember right, it made it all the way to number one. At the time, I seriously suspected that it was being falsely inflated by some homers. It must be a decent club if pay weekly visits, so I guess I was wrong, back then.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Bones: Unless you have an idea of the receptiveness of a "bird dog", wouldn't offering him/her a tip increase suspicion and perhaps bring on closer scrutiny? In my mind, tipping them is kind'a like saying, "here's some money to ignore what I'm about to do" How does one know before tipping?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    High heeled shoes....
    I could careless about the heels, even if it they accentuate their ass and/or legs. Their ass and legs already look good enough for me (or I wouldn't be spending time with them). Personally, I prefer the dancer to take her shoes off when we are spending time together. Not that I have a foot fetish or anything - feet do nothing for me - but it just seems to be a much cozier atmosphere when she's cuddling up with me sans shoes. It seems to indicate a more intimate feeling... like she's comfortable with me and "letter her hair down", so to speak. A little off-topic, but somewhat related. I believe I'm going to surpise my ATF next week with a pedicure. I'm probably going to make it a couples pedicure, where they do both the guy and girl's feet at the same time. (my wife and I got the treatment a few months back and it was very relaxing and a bit sensual and intimate... the only thing that would've made it better is hot technicians)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Wild Goose" Chases
    It DOES seem a bit PL-ish. However, except for my legendary Pizza Puff run detailed above, I never felt as though I was being used. In fact, most of the time, it was my suggestion to make the run... or my idea to surprise a certain dancer. Also, in a lot of the cases, such as making a run for food, I was also getting something to eat, which led to us dining together ITC.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "The Pick Up Artist"
    I tuned in to this show, specifically because it was going to a strip club. Unfortunately, I missed a good portion of it (and will be watching for re-runs of it, which I'm sure will be forthcoming). Anyhow, what I DID see, didn't show that the "pickup artists to-be" had any pickup skills. It appeared the goal was to get an exotic dancer to be with them OTC. Heck, a lot of US have had better experiences than THESE doofuses had OTC. It's obviously not THAT big of trick to get a dancer OTC. The one guy that "succeeded" was able to make out with the dancer in his limo. Big deal... If I had a limo sitting outside in the parking lot, I think MY success rate would be 100%. Even without the limo, my success rate is pretty high, though admittedly, most of the successes have taken some time to cultivate the "relationships". However, my last experience certainly tops the "winner" from the show... After a few hours in the club, getting the dancer to hookup after hours... receiving BBBJ w/CIM... Does that make me a pickup artist? Nope.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is a THICK stripper?
    The way Britney USED to look, was pretty much the ideal in my book. Now, she'd be easy to pass on, even without knowing how messed up she is.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    VHM: Very High Mileage UHM: Ultra High Mileage As Shadowcat pointed out in a non-smartass way [grin], check the glossary, it has most terms and acronyms defined. Also, this link is very good; http://forum.myredbook.com/dcforum2/DCForumID15/2.html Lastly, you can always Google it!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    This is crazy... it gets crazier by the day... somehow this thread keeps sucking me back in... Maybe it's because W is so certain that he did nothing wrong. Maybe it's because the confluence of events, as O called them, aligned so perfectly to bring suspicion on W. Maybe it's my fear that someone that is completely innocent could be seen as being a threat. There's a saying about "he that protests the most..." Whghlost: I still believe that you didn't intend to do anything that would cause the dancer to freak out. I also believe that you didn't do anything wrong, and that it is all a misunderstanding. BUT (notice the big "but"), it's all in the perception as we have all been saying. Several people at the club - the dancer included - perceived that you were up to no good, and that you were stalking her. Whether it is true or not, it most definitely APPEARS to them, as though you were. If, for instance, a magician performs a trick in which he saws a beautiful girl in half. Did he really cut her in half? No! Did it appear as though he did? Of course! That is what is going on here. When it comes to someone's safety, people are going to err on the safe side. Were you stalking her? No. Did it appear as though you were? Of course! Now, once and for all... DROP IT, DUDE! The more you try to prove your innocence, the more you look guilty. At the very least, it makes you look desperate. You have got to let her go! Take a break from her and that club and stay away.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is a THICK stripper?
    I think everyone here is sharing he same concept. In my mind, THICK is sort of "pleasingly plump". Not quite fat, but definitely has some meat on her... but the proportions still look good. I think Britney's body is an excellent example of THICK. Personally, any thicker than that, and I'd have to say it would border on fat. Either way, I don't like THICK... I definitely like my girls slimmer... probably closer to being skinny.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Naked customers
    I'd say the club that you described was a "jack shack". At first, I was going to answer "no" to your question... of COURSE I've never been naked in a strip club, but upon reading further, my memory was jogged a bit and I recalled my visit to a "jack shack" in which I was told that I should make myself comfortable. Of course, expecting that more was going to happen than what did, I got completely "nekkid". And before anyone jumps in and says "jack shacks" are not SCs, I only refer to them as SCs because they can be found on this website.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How long did you know your ATF before ...
    Chandler: So what's up with kerri these days?