
Comments by DougS (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    JaBlake: She may be super sweet, etc., but if you aren't into her, there's nothing you can do about that. Actually, I don't think her feelings are hurt as much as you think. Looking in from the outside, I would say that she's playing the guilt card by using pity and sympathy in order to get patrons to pay her. I'm a nice guy but even I won't give money out of sympathy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    DougS's marriage is over.
    Dear Abbeycat: Thanks for sharing that with me... I was being nosy, but I wasn't looking for that much detail, however it was appreciated, nonetheless. Wow... your account of what happened sounds hellish! I'm glad you were able to get out of that situation, and have been able to dig yourself out of the whole that was dug for you. You painted a pretty dismal picture of what can happen, and it is a wake up call. My situation at home Disneyland compared to that.
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    17 years ago
    Felicity @ Club Diamonds . . .
    She sounds like a winner... don't let her slip away!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a favorite that is hard to recognize?
    Chandler: Speaking of dancers wearing numbers... Do you remember the blonde at HH that usually wore the #34 New York (Mets?) jersey? Kristy, was it? She had one of the nicest asses I've ever laid eyes (err...) on.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thought triggers
    Yeah... I forgot about songs... a few hold special memories... "Full Moon" by Brandy and "Anytime, Anyplace" by Janet Jackson are two such songs. While I was "with" my prev-ATF and we were still spending time ITC, she ALWAYS had those two songs included during her three-song set on stage. They are slow and sensual songs, and that was her style of dance. I can still close my eyes and picture her dancing to those songs. She had this cute habit of placing one of her hands on her thigh or knee and keeping time to the music with her fingers as she danced. She was one of the better dancers and one of the best, if not THE best at pole work. Not that it was hot to watch her do her pole tricks, but it was pretty damned amazing some of the things she did. I haven't seen many that could compare to her skills - maybe none. Her taste in music to listen to is what got me interested in hip-hip/rap and R&B, and I think of her when I listen to quite a few of those CDs. I, fortunately, haven't seen my ATF dancing too many stage sets - I could probably count the times on one hand. At that time, one of her favorites was "Me and My Gang" by Rascal Flatts. We share a lot of the same interests in music, though, and there are several songs, artists and/or CDs that make me think of her (err... even more of her), because we've listened to them together - many of which I've burned onto CDs for her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Define ATF
    ATF... All Time Favorite. By definition, you can have only one ATF, but in my mind, I also have my prev-ATF, prev-prev-ATF, etc. An ATF is a dancer that you have a strong attraction to, both physically and mentally. One that you would ALWAYS choose, if there were other options available to you. The same goes for her... if she has an option of dancing for you or someone else, she should be picking you. I think her sessions with you need to be of the GFE variety. She makes you feel special when you are with her, and there is usually an intimate feel to your relationship (real or imagined). ATFs start out as being one of your favs, which in my book means that she's a dancer that you consistently have a good time with, and one that keeps you coming back for more. For me, a fav crosses over to ATF status when you feel close enough to her that you want to spend more and more time with her, and you get the impression that feeling is reciprocated. All of your other favs pale in comparison. Usually, at this point, a fav has also crossed over to OTCing with me. I've had favs that could never be an ATF.... I've OTCed with dancers that will never be an ATF - a few never even make it to fav status. However, all of my ATFs have been favs that I have had OTCs with. Once an ATF, she will retain the "title" until she has been replaced by a new #1. That "changing of the guard" for me, took place a little over a year ago, after about two years with my prev-ATF.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    An ideal AFT
    BTW,.... A >>T<< F... not AFT
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Roles that dancers play
    I "see" my ATF in a LOT of actresses that I see in movies. Not so much for their personalities, but looks-wise. It's probably because I have her on my mind so much, but there are a few that she resembles quite a lot.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    I will choose a average to below average looking thin girl, over a fat - or even thick - girl with a pretty face EVERY time. If she's too thick, I will not be the least bit interested.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thought triggers
    Driver01: Good one... chuckled out loud on that one! I assume you are referring to memories of prev-ATFs... Out of my prev ATFs, there is only one that memories of occasionally surface. I cannot drive through Kokomo without thinking of her... when I drive past the club... when I drive past the Motel6 (our first OTC location), the Courtyard (site of several OTCs), many of the restaurants along the highway... all of these make me think of her. Additionally, a few hotels in Indy also remind me of her, because of prev-OTCs. The Castleton Courtyard particularly holds the most memories for me. It was the most frequent location spent with prev-ATF, however it's also the most frequent spot that I've spent time with Miss ATF, so memories tying my prev-ATF to that hotel have pretty much faded. I also have well over 100 pics of prev-ATF that I look at once in a while... definitely brings back some warm and interesting memories of her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is there anyone out there like me. Just one favorite club???
    Because of my location, ALL of my SC visits must revolve around a business trip - from a short one day "seminar" to a week-long "class". Before I started up with ATFs and OTCing, it really didn't matter what the destination was of my trips. Now, for the last few years, it's been pretty exclusively Indy. Dallas was also a key destination, but thanks to the "do gooders", that is no longer an option. So, when I visit an SC, 95% of the time, it's one fav club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Skipping the dance - sending money directly to the dancer?
    From what I'm hearing... we should be concerned about staph infections. My ATF has reported that there have been several cases of dancers with staph infections. What makes it so scary? Everyone carries staph bacteria on their skin. If you have an open wound, you are susceptible to contracting an infection. As you might know, a lot of staph infections are NOT treatable w/antibiotics because many of the strains have developed immunity to the medications. There's also the flesh-eating strains... I've seen some pics of what can happen and it can be horrific. Recent reports have said that staph infections are more contagious and effect more people than aids.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A fair trade
    I'd probably by that exotic sports car that I've had my eye on...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    CasualGuy: Wow, good job translating. You version made much more sense. So, how long have you been able to speak gibberish, or whatever language the original poster was using?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    DougS's marriage is over.
    ShadowCat: I'm glad you aren't singling me out! I've probably waited too long, too. It's a scary, big-time life changing decision. The biggest reason for not plunging ahead is the family part. I also, as shallow as it sounds, don't want to take that step unless I know there is "someone else" waiting for me. It probably is just a matter of time, though... with or without that safety net. I'm just hoping it's WITH. If you don't mind me asking, what was it that pushed you over the edge and into an attorney's office? (you can answer that in email, if you want - or, ignore it, if I'm being too nosy)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a favorite that is hard to recognize?
    CasualGuy: Have you seen an optometrist lately?! [wink]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    JaBlake: So you want a dancer that will use all of her skills to make you think she is falling in love with you, but you want to pay for it to make sure that it remains just a fantasy? I don't get that. I guess by doing so, you don't have to worry about ever having feelings for her and potentially getting hurt... is that your MO?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Skipping the dance - sending money directly to the dancer?
    A few times I've thought that it might be informative, interesting or eye opening to check out the pink site, but it sounds like I'd be seeing a lot of posts that would be deflating to read about. First, in the example above... touching the hair is disgusting to some dancers?! I have a bit of a hair fetish... I'm a real sucker for a girl that has long, shiny, silky hair.... I love touching their hair... burying my face in it (gosh, that'd probably send that dancer above into hyperventilation!) I've only been told by two dancers not to touch their hair... that was two dancers that only got one dance from me. On the other hand, quite a few dancers have told me that they like to have their hair played with.. stroked... pulled... (I guess maybe they caught onto my fetish and were playing up to it?!)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    what does pastie stile mean
    The term pasties is a fairly broad (err..) term. It can be as little as a dab of nail polish on the nipple, to a strip of tape / bandaids
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Share and Share Alike
    sorry for the ramble above. To answer the question NOW... no, I wouldn't share my ATF. Not only do I not want to see her with someone else, I do not want to miss any second that I could be spending with her. I guess, come to think of it, I would share favs, though. In fact, I've encouraged one TUSCLer that knew prev-ATF to look her up at her current club and extended the information to him. That was easy, though, because I don't have any interest in her any more. I gave another TUSCLer info on a recent discovery, and I didn't have any second thoughts about doing so. In fact, I was looking forward to his impression of her and to enjoy his experience vicariously. However, and I'm not sure why, I've failed to disclose the name of yet another recent discovery. She is hard to get out of my mind, though I know I have no feelings for her, other than a pretty deep sexual desire for her. I HAVE discussed her with others on here who know her (or at least about her), and all accounts seem to support she is quite a good choice for "play time". Before I ramble more, I'll end this by saying that it just depends on how I feel about her. If I have "feelings" for a dancer, there's no way that I will knowingly share her or encourage others to sample her charms. I take that back, there ARE a few here that I would encourage... Lopaw comes to mind... just because I think that would be *HOT*!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Share and Share Alike
    (sorry, in replying to the question, I got a bit carried away... what follows is a rambling tale about the beginning of my ATF "relationship"... just skip this post if you wish not to be bored) I haven't been too secretive about my thoughts on this issue. "Share" my ATF? No frickin' way. Early on, I learned that a fellow TUSCLer "knew" Miss ATF from before she'd quit, and didn't know that she'd returned. This became apparent after the first night that I'd met Miss ATF (a Sunday night). After giving him the scoop, he and I arranged to meetup on Wed night, partly so that he could reacquaint himself with her, partly to get to know a fellow TUSCLer. On Tues night, I spent a marathon session with Miss ATF in the club, and it was about that time that I started looking at her in a different light. Her and I talked about when I'd next visit her in the club, and I mentioned that I'd be back the next night (wed night) along with a few friends, one of which wanted to spend time with her. I told her that I'd have a hard time watching her dance for others, and she claimed that she'd feel funny doing it, so she told me that she wouldn't come in Wed night afterall. However, that presented a problem because Thurs night was my last night in town and I'd already had an OTC arranged with my prev-ATF (current, at that time). Let me say that it was a "sure thing" with my prev-ATF. I told Miss ATF that I already had plans for Thurs night, that I couldn't get out of. She asked me what those plans were and I said "dinner with a friend", which was true (I have NEVER lied to her, to this day). Anyhow, as the night (Tues) progressed and Miss ATF and I got closer and closer, and the DFKing started... well, I knew even though prev-ATF meant a fairly wild night of drinking, her posing for pics and FS (among other things), I decided that rather spend the time with my new ATF, so I told her that I would change my plans for her and come in Thurs night to see her. Wed night came, and my TUSCL friend showed up. The club actually turned out to be a disappointment that night... I really wasn't interested in ANY of the dancers - they all paled in comparison to Miss ATF. That was okay because it gave me time to get to know my TUSCL bro. I'd broken the news to him that Miss ATF wasn't going to be in attendance, which I'm sure wasn't the best of news, considering the slim pickings that night. We talked for several hours... shared some conversation with a few annoying dancers. About that time, I received a call from prev-ATF, asking if I could come see her at the club where she was working. I excused myself from my new TUSCL friend, then headed over to her club. I found that she did NOTHING for me anymore. It was like why chew on ice cubes when you can have French silk ice cream? I told her that I couldn't keep our "date" for the following night, apologized then said goodbye. Thurs night was perfect - as far as ITC visits go, and Miss ATF and I talked about the prev night. She confided that she had considered coming in just to see me, even though she knew what was going on. She said she even started driving in until she pictured me getting dances from other dancers... she turned around and went back home. I informed her that I didn't get ANY dances, and truthfully explained to her that they didn't measure up to her - not even close. I conveniently omitted the visit to the other club and why I went there. It should be noted that I ultimately told Miss ATF that I'd broken a date with another girl for that Thurs night, but before I could say any more about that, the topic shifted. At some point, there WILL be full disclosure about that other girl, and my OTCs with others...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Would you hire your ATF to work for you?
    Absolutely! In fact, it's still a possibility. Well, sort of... although she wouldn't be working FOR me, but WITH me... like a partnership. She has an idea for a business that she wants to start. I know she would be excellent at it. If things work out, I can envision starting the company together.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you like for a dancer to be "physical" with you at the stage??
    Bones: I DID give you ONE name ... the name of a girl that was very ahh... entertaining... but you missed your chance with her. DOH! Unfortunately, I have no idea where the heck she's gone to, now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Advice from the stripper?
    I have never asked advice from a dancer... well, not directly, I guess I AM guilty of emailing one dancer a few of my issues in order to get the perspective from a hot, sensual dancer... But that's not what you are asking here... I DID receive advice from my ATF almost a year ago that stuck with me for several reasons. It happened about when I started realizing that I could really fall for her. We were having a fairly deep discussion during a "cool off" period within a marathon VIP session. I'd just asked her if she was happily married, which prompted several questions from her. I confessed that I wasn't happy in my marriage; that there was obviously something missing, otherwise I wouldn't be in a strip club spending time with HER. She got very serious, and completely stopped her sensuous movements in my lap that usually was a constant when we were just talking, looking me in the eye, she said "I want you to promise me that you will do two things...one, go home and buy your wife some flowers... two, do not fuck another woman, besides your wife" She proceeded to tell me that once you take that step, there is no way to take it back. All in all, pretty good advice, and heart-felt advice because I really think she was looking out for me and my happiness. Now, did I keep my promise? Welllll... my wife DID get balloons from me...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The "L" word...
    Bones: I have been VERY careful not to use the "L" word with any of my girls, especially Miss ATF. I HAVE admitted to her that I have "feelings for her", but even though she probably suspects it's more than that, I don't think it's time to throw that word out there. It's one of those words that once you "play" it, you can't take it back... it's "out there". It's also not a word that I tend to use freely, or take lightly. As for her, she HAS uttered it once, I think. It was probably in January. They'd had some heavy snow down in her neck of the woods, and one day she had to leave work early in order to get home. If she worked later, she'd probably have been stranded in Indy, not able to get home. Anyhow, upon her return to the club for her next shift, she was told that because she left early, she was being suspended for a week. She called me, beside herself. It was bad enough that she'd just driven over an hour to work, but now she was going to have to be off work without any money coming in. (I'm a sucker for a pretty girl that is crying... they could get me to do just about anything) I told her to hang on for a few minutes and I'd call her right back. When I called her back 15 min later, I informed her that I'd just wired her money to help out. She didn't ask for it... it's just the nice guy that I am. Anyhow, she said that was the nicest thing anynone had ever done for her and she was noticeably very happy and excited. I think her exact words when I first told her, were... "Oh thank you... I love you!" Of course I knew it wasn't said in the context of what I'd like to have heard, but it sounded and felt good, nonetheless. I think she realized what she said, and since I think she's been careful not to let that word slip out there like that.