
Comments by motorhead (page 104)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Hip Hugger in Kokomo
    I never considered it to be a dive bar. It's not really that bad. But I did feel out of place at times. I usually wore a Polo golf shirt and Khaki dockers. Everyone else either wore a Jeff Gordon NASCAR T-shirt, or a John Deere t-shirt with a Pioneer Seed Corn hat, or bike clothes with their wallet on a chain.
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    8 years ago
    Hip Hugger in Kokomo
    lopaw, It's been 8 to 10 years since I have been to the Hip Hugger, but when I was younger and lived in Indiana, I was a weekend regular at times. I'm not defending their actions. But they are an equal opportunity discrimator. The rumor was they didn't allow black customers. That's not entirely true. I saw a few black customers there - the dancers were told not to dance for black guys. At least thats the way it was years ago. Kokomo is not a tiny village. It's a small city of 50 to 60 thousand people with a lot of ties to the automotive industry. It's not what it once was, but I think Chrysler still operates 3 plants there and employs over 5000 people. The problem is Kokomo sits in the middle of central Indiana surrounded by white redneck farmers. Kokomo once (maybe still?) had strong ties to the Klan. In the 1920's Kokomo held the largest Klan rally ever. Over 200,000 people attended. Im just giving you a little history of Kokomo. They have a long history of discrimination against blacks, women, and Catholics. That mindset is hard to change.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Car rental out of state ...how that work ?
    I once rented a hotel room in my own town
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Semi famous to famous bitches that you are currently trying to meet in person or
    When I'm in Papi Chulo mode I lust after Aunt Jemima
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Burkini ban?
    So I'm free to wear clown shoes to the strip club? I love America!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Lemmy honored with statue at Rainbow Bar And Grill
    That's ok. I don't know who Fetty Wap is
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fake Number then Real Number
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    buy real and fakepassports(P)and(D)(([email protected]))drivers licence,i
    Csn you make me an ID badge that says: Rech Assistant IT Manager Tuscl Since 2016
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OT: Botox
    I don't think I've ever seen a single example of a person -- celebrity, stripper, or civie -- who actually looks better after a procedure. Whether it be Botox, a facelift, or a boob job I just read an article today that Courtney Cox (Friends) regrets her procedures (Botox and laser) that she had done to look younger
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Rhode Island
    OT: Are you a reader? What do you read?
    When I was a freshman in high school (mid 1970's), the English department "modernized" the curriculum. They did away with standardized classes that previous generations of students took. They replaced those classes with over 20 different themed classes with titles such as Super Heroes, Science Fiction, English Literature, and Sports, Instead of reading Steinbeck, I read Robert Heinlein. I didn't read all the staples of America High School such as To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice & Men, or Moby Dick. Then in college, I took one class in English Composition. I did not have a liberal arts education. I took calculus and differential equations and linear algebra. After college I just wanted to reading light novels. But lately I've been felling like I missed something. I bought a whole set of Steinbeck books at a garage sale. I'm trying to read them - but they're dry after being used to John Grisham.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Does beer go bad?
    I'm a fellow non-drinker for the most part. I bought a 12-pack of Coor's on New Year's Eve 2014. So about 20 months ago. I drank a couple but decided I don't care for Coors. I usually drink Miller Lite when I drink beer. So I can't imagine it's any better now. It's not in the frig. I guess I should throw it away but I hate wasting food.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Hip Hugger in Kokomo
    I read on line that a Starbucks at the Markland Mall was leveled. I've driven thru that area a lot. That's close. Very very close
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Rhode Island
    OT: Are you a reader? What do you read?
    I mostly like legal thrillers and crime novels. I love John Sandford and "the prey" series. Don't like his other stuff. I think I've read all of Michael Crichton's books. I sure miss him. And I enjoy Ken Follett, particularly his historical novels.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Andrea Tantoros: Hot or Not?
    "She looks like a central casting agents idea of a Vietnamese hooker in a war movie genre like Apocalypse Now or Deer Hunter" Good point. For the win
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    John Smith, smooth talker in the court room
    Don't judge people by the color of their hair
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    8 years ago
    man on a mission
    Neighboring dancer/customers
    Some dancers make $1500 per night just talking
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Have your picture taken with Juice!
    The guy on the left is quite a stud The guy on the right is a tard. It's probably Yoder
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    You guys are eating the wrong diets if you are sittng on the crapper looking at your phone or reading. You're not supposed to strain. I sit down and immediately poop. Seriously. I don't get the people that "read" for 15-20 minutes
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Work getting in the way of TUSCL
    Recalling the Troop-Doc Holliday incident, I always suspected (from hints I read) that Troop tracked Doc Holliday down because Doc used the same username on various other internet sites. I guess that's a warning if you want to protect your identity
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    8 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Work getting in the way of TUSCL
    If that was truly him, I'm surprised he is an engineer. (Dougster thought he was a physicist, so he was a better guesser than me. I figured SJG to be a liberal arts kind of guy) I once had an exchange with him regarding education and he argued that college is not supposed to be a path to a job. To some extent, he's right. But if any college major is "vocational training", it's engineering. So I'm really surprised by his thoughts.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Every Lil bit helps
    I'm still too fat to do much cardio. My doctor says I have to walk. I wish I could do the cardio you do.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Every Lil bit helps
    Good job!!! I'm trying. But not as good as you. I am trying to cut out soda. I don't miss it. Just drinking unsweetened tea and lemonade. I know lemonade still has too much sugar but it tastes soooo good in the summer.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: Early NFL playoff predictions
    I'm a Raiders fan from way back. Not ever my favorite team - but always my second or third favorite team. I'm glad to see they're relevant again. Los Angeles will regret not making a deal to get them. Would have been a better choice than the Rams.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    OT: Car of choice
    "if you're gonna wing-it w/ a used luxury car I'd go w/ an Acura or a Lexus" I concur with Papi. In 1996 I bought a new Camry LE 6-cylinder. I thought it was the greatest car in the world. Until I bought an Acura in 2006. I thought it was the best car. Until I bought a Lexus this year. It's the greatest. (You can see I keep cars a long time. I get my money's worth). But I love the Lexus.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Work getting in the way of TUSCL
    Several years ago a guy outed a ROB dancer. I can't remember now what she did to him, but he posted her Facebook page and some other personal details. An address or phone number maybe. I thought that was a shitty move too. The board was somewhat divided on the issue though I think the majority thought it was wrong. Several members, including myself, requested founder to remove that thread, but I don't think he ever did