
Comments by rob0411

  • review #383257
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    Bartender dance prices the same. $5 entry fee. No VIP fee for me but paid by the girl on a per dance basis. Ok privacy. Long narrow room with half wall booths along one side. Sitting down you couldn’t see what was going on in the next booth. Stand up and you could see. Handful of girls. One very skinny but most a bit heavy. Bartender best all around figure.
  • review #383256
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    To respond - no club cover, no vip room cover. VIP was a room off the main club with bench seats on the perimeter and dividers every four feet or so. VIP monitor spot at entrance to the room and the girls pay their toll as they leave.
  • discussion #34358
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    How will the system change? Easy solution for the law is to make dancers employees and put them on the old time piecework system. The dancers get minimum wage for the hours they are there, then a cut of the money they earn for dances. This would require a person to check them in and out of the dance room, keep track of their time, and collect the money (probably in advance) from the customer. From a customer standpoint, this would suck. It happens now in a number of clubs in NC and is the reason I don't go to them. No more casual conversation in the back. Everything becomes very mechanical because there is a charge for every song you're with her.
  • discussion #31284
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    Guy: "Would you sleep with me for $1 Million dollars?" Girl: "Certainly" Guy: "Would you sleep with me for $50 dollars?" Girl: "What do you think I am?" Guy: "We've already established what you are. Now we're just arguing price.
  • discussion #31162
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    Someone said she was "a favorite dayshift dancer". The article said her name was Holly. What was her stage name? I don't recognize Holly as a dancer.
  • discussion #28124
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    I stopped in today (Sunday) just to see what the club looked like. Physically - it seems much bigger than PP. The inside all looks new, but the outside still has some vestiges of the old club. Bathrooms all new and very clean. Lots of guys in suits on the floor. Entrance fee is $10 before 4:00; $20 after. Dancers go nude, offer nude dances ("you can touch") in the back for $40. Don't know if the price will go down for multiples or with negotiation. Only 3 dancers on this night. An interesting thing occurred - the DJ announced a 2 for 1 dance. "You pay for the first dance - the second dance is absolutely free. Next two songs only." As he announced that, 2 of the girls left the floor and the third sat with a group of guys and didn't move. No action for the back room at all.
  • discussion #26473
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    Got it. Thanks.
  • discussion #20703
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    Well.....if I had a choice.....
  • discussion #17596
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    Write in English??
  • discussion #17571
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    I'm getting a "bad certificate" notification when I open the site, and a warning to not open. Something about the site was originally under a different address. Is this my problem or yours?
  • discussion #16213
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    There's a Hawaiian lady at a club a frequent. Smoothest, softest skin ever.
  • discussion #15567
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    Sherriff Joe is an interesting guy .... This was sent to me and I pass i on. SHERIFF JOE IS AT IT AGAIN! Maricopa County was spending approx. $18 million dollars a year on stray animals, like cats and dogs. Sheriff Joe offered to take the department over, and the County Supervisors said okay. The animal shelters are now all staffed and operated by prisoners. They feed and care for the strays. Every animal in his care is taken out and walked twice daily. He now has prisoners who are experts in animal nutrition and behavior. They give great classes for anyone who'd like to adopt an animal. He has literally taken stray dogs off the street, given them to the care of prisoners, and had them place in dog shows. The best part? His budget for the entire department is now under $3 million. Teresa and I adopted a Weimaraner from a Maricopa County shelter two years ago. He was neutered, and current on all shots, in great health, and even had a microchip inserted the day we got him. Cost us $78. The prisoners get the benefit of about $0.28 an hour for working, but most would work for free, just to be out of their cells for the day. Most of his budget is for utilities, building maintenance, etc. He pays the prisoners out of the fees collected for adopted animals.. I have long wondered when the rest of the country would take a look at the way he runs the jail system, and copy some of his ideas. He has a huge farm, donated to the county years ago, where inmates can work, and they grow most of their own fresh vegetables and food, doing all the work and harvesting by hand. He has a pretty good sized hog farm, which provides meat, and fertilizer. It fertilizes the Christmas tree nursery, where prisoners work, and you can buy a living Christmas tree for $6 - $8 for the Holidays, and plant it later... We have six trees in our yard from the Prison. Yup, he was reelected last year with 83% of the vote. Now he's in trouble with the ACLU again. He painted all his buses and vehicles with a mural, that has a special hotline phone number painted on it, where you can call and report suspected illegal aliens. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement wasn't doing enough in his eyes, so he had 40 deputies trained specifically for enforcing immigration laws, started up his hotline, and bought 4 new buses just for hauling folks back to the border. He's kind of a 'Git-R Dun' kind of Sheriff. TO THOSE OF YOU NOT FAMILIAR WITH JOE ARPAIO HE IS THE MARICOPA ARIZONA COUNTY SHERIFF AND HE KEEPS GETTING ELECTED OVER AND OVER THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY: Sheriff Joe Arpaio (In Arizona ) who created the ' Tent City Jail': He has jail meals down to 40 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them. He stopped smoking and porno magazines in the jails. Took away their weights Cut off all but 'G' movies. He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county and city projects. Then He Started Chain Gangs For Women So He Wouldn't Get Sued For Discrimination. He took away cable TV Until he found out there was A Federal Court Order that Required Cable TV For Jails So He Hooked Up The Cable TV Again Only Let In The Disney Channel And The Weather Channel. When asked why the weather channel He Replied, So They Will Know How Hot It's Gonna Be While They Are Working ON My Chain Gangs. He Cut Off Coffee Since It Has Zero Nutritional Value. When the inmates complained, he told them, 'This Isn't The Ritz/Carlton......If You Don't Like It, Don't Come Back.' More On The Arizona Sheriff: With Temperatures Being Even Hotter Than Usual In Phoenix (116 Degrees Just Set A New Record), the Associated Press Reports: About 2,000 Inmates Living In A Barbed-Wire-Surrounded Tent Encampment At The Maricopa County Jail Have Been Given Permission To Strip Down To Their Government-Issued Pink Boxer Shorts. On Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing boxers were either curled up on their bunk beds or chatted in the tents, which reached 138 Degrees Inside The Week Before. Many Were Also Swathed In Wet, Pink Towels As Sweat Collected On Their Chests And Dripped Down To Their PINK SOCKS. 'It Feels Like We Are In A Furnace,' Said James Zanzot, An Inmate Who Has Lived In The TENTS for 1 year. 'It's Inhumane.' Joe Arpaio, the tough-guy sheriff who created the tent city and long ago started making his prisoners wear pink, and eat bologna sandwiches, is not one bit sympathetic. He said Wednesday that he told all of the inmates: 'It's 120 Degrees In Iraq And Our Soldiers Are Living In Tents Too, And They Have To Wear Full Battle Gear, But They Didn't Commit Any Crimes,So Shut Your Mouths!' Maybe if all prisons were like this one there would be a lot less crime and/or repeat offenders. Criminals should be punished for their crimes - not live in luxury until it's time for their parole, only to go out and commit another crime so they can get back in to live on taxpayers money and enjoy things taxpayers can't afford to have for themselves.
  • discussion #14445
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    I agree, ESL is only 2 hours away. Take a short trip to a better world.
  • discussion #14359
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    Happy Birthday!
  • discussion #13744
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    H8S, Bogarts, Flight Club - in that order for mileage. Flight Club first for class.
  • discussion #12110
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    No idea. I'll be at PP on Friday and see if I can get some info.
  • discussion #11920
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    per Margaret Thatcher: "The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."
  • discussion #11731
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    Edita. That's the only name you need to know on DTWTS.
  • discussion #11672
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    I'd say Friday should be the main day. Others can come in early if they choose, but Friday would be the whole group. I'd recommend mid-April (4/16) or mid-May (5/14).
  • discussion #11640
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    Take Out.
  • discussion #11445
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    Pay per View?
  • discussion #11427
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    BFD and so what! There are blogs to discuss economics, government policy and politics in general. Go there and leave the strip club blogs to strip club discussions.
  • discussion #11393
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    I've been in two clubs where I've had a cup of coffee. Both times they said they would make some for me so it took awhile. Prices have been from $4 to "on the house".
  • discussion #11225
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    The Roxy Theater - a burlesque house on Short Vincent in Cleveland, OH. Strippers and comedians. I was a high school junior out of school on President's day and two of us got in after claiming to be 18. Ah the memories.
  • discussion #11235
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    HOW TO SAVE THE AIRLINES Dump the male flight attendants. No one wanted them in the first place. Replace all the female flight attendants with good-looking strippers! What the hell -- they don't even serve food anymore, so what's the loss? The strippers would at least triple the alcohol sales and get a 'party atmosphere' going in the cabin. And, of course, every businessman in this country would start flying again, hoping to see naked women. Because of the tips, female flight attendants wouldn't need a salary, thus saving even more money. I suspect tips would be so good that we could charge the women for working the plane and have them kick back 20% of the tips, including lap dances and 'special services.' Muslims would be afraid to get on the planes for fear of seeing naked women. Hijackings would come to a screeching halt, and the airline industry would see record revenues. This is definitely a win-win situation if we handle it right -- a golden opportunity to turn a liability into an asset. Why didn't Bush or Obama think of this? Why do I still have to do everything myself? Sincerely, Bill Clinton
  • discussion #9788
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    I plan to be there Thursday also.
  • discussion #9856
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    where did you work in Michigan?? We might be able to steer you toward a comparable club.
  • discussion #9467
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    I'm for Thurday Friday daytime. Any week but the last week of February.
  • discussion #9404
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    not a completely private room. Large room with "cubicles" that are open in the front. Not worth the time or effort.
  • discussion #9404
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    Last time I was there the dances were $30, which the house takes a piece of. The girls check in with the "monitor" when you enter the room, then pay him for the number of dances you did when you leave the room. Limited mileage. Mostly nice young ladies, many of college age. Better off going to Columbia to hang out with shadowcat.
  • discussion #9158
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    I've been to both and prefer PP. MV, to me, is impersonal. Nice scenery - no doubt, but it's more the slam bang, thank you ma'am approach to entertainment. You can at least get a little personal interaction and a little privacy at PP.
  • discussion #9149
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    Can you just provide links to the maps instead of drawing the map for each club? I think it would speed up the system. I read the reviews a lot more often than I ever need the maps.
  • discussion #9139
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    Columbia, SC had gas when I was there yesterday
  • discussion #9149
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    I would say 1 year if there are at least 10 reviews. If less than 10 in one year, publish the last 10 or as many as there are available, no matter how far back they go.
  • discussion #8655
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    Up until a couple of days ago the top (gray) menu was to the left of the information display, both starting at the top of the screen. It recently changed so the gray menu is now at the top of the screen and the information display is now below the menu. I use IE. Monitor is 1680 by 1050. Full screen or not doesn't matter
  • discussion #8637
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    Go to Detroit. Many of the clubs are "Gentlemen's" clubs and cater to the business lunch crowd. The food is excellent and relatively inexpensive (considering it's a strip club). The clam chowder at the Play House is top notch. Food at the Flight Club is uniformly good. The Landing Strip used to have a buffet which was good, or you could order off a menu which was better.
  • discussion #8109
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    I've found that if you are very clear to the first shot girl (I usually say "I don't drink shots and I don't believe in them so I don't buy them for others"), they don't come back around. Usually the first girl mysteriously communicates with the others and none come around. Conversely, I've seen a guy buy the first one, then they all try him out to see how many they can sell. I've been told by the dancers that they (the dancers) are not allowed to turn a shot down, but they don't particularly like them so they'd much rather I say no for them.
  • discussion #7995
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    I'll try to make it there on Tuesday afternoon (1-15).
  • discussion #7889
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    I was at p+ yesterday. They have added an afternoon guy to "watch over" the activity. He was pretty unobtrusive and didn't cause much concern - the dances seemed about the same as ever. That changes in the late afternoon when the old door guys come on - things get a lot more circumspect. I was also told that management was trying to get the dance price up to $25/dance. Not all the dancers were into it, but I did hear it from two different girls. I refused those offers.
  • discussion #7889
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    Let us know what shekitout finds out. In my brief experience at your favorite club (2 visits), it was very clear what limits were set by each dancer. Seemed like a good plan to me. Birddogs just make the whole experience way too uncomfortable. Too bad. Keep us informed.
  • discussion #7689
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    Bones -- Why bring pictures?? Just bring her.
  • discussion #7529
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    Planning on joining you on 10/26.
  • discussion #7453
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    Bones7599 - I'm planning on showing up. You wearing the shoes just adds to the excitement.
  • discussion #7435
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    What time are you planning on being there on Oct 26? I know you usually go for several days - what's the plan this time?
  • review #347238
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    They were pretty much at 30, but less for quantity. I think 4/100 was the least I was quoted.
  • review #347298
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    All the dancers quoted the same price. You'd think if there are fewer customers, and the ratio is unfavorable to the dancer, the price would go down to drum up some business. As I said, the couch rooms were empty, so my economic theory doesn't hold water.
  • review #347238
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    I was there on a Thursday afternoon. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of dancers, and their willingness to sit around and talk. Usually they head to a table and congregate together, excluding customers. Or, head to the bar and spend their time talking to guys who don’t buy dances. On this day, there was a table of 3 dancers sitting next to the “check-in” lady. I sat at the table next to them, said hello, and ended up moving to their table and having a conversation. I ended up taking all three for a series of dances - names have pretty much escaped me. Dances were good, not up to the level we all remember, but at least had no bouncers wandering through the back room. I have been coming to this club since it opened and I keep hoping for something better than we’ve been seeing. Of the 3 dancers I experienced on this day, one dancer (the tall, very thin dancer that’s been around a long time) was the most disappointing - she pretty much mailed it in. The short lady that is there most days gave the best dance. She at least seems to enjoy the process. I keep hoping, but the golden days are far in the past.
  • review #326834
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    Hmmm. Don’t remember her but maybe someone else can add some names.
  • review #321996
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    Were both clubs sold? I saw comments that West was sold, but didn’t see anything on PP. I checked the internet. Nothing on the news about a sale. Are you sure?
  • review #319319
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    He said this review is from a couple of months ago. Probably very little happening in December.
  • review #271813
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    Says nothing.
  • review #269327
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    Unless things have changed dramatically in the last couple of months, I don't believe this club has a kitchen - and they've never had a food menu. I would question anything said in this review.
  • review #245619
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    Write in sentences that are understandable.
  • review #243429
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    No details at all. very general. could be anywhere.
  • review #224123
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  • review #226252
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    Reviewer didn't go to the club for the review but "plans" to go to the club to see if anything has changed.
  • review #142811
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    I like the tongue in cheek. I wold certainly never go there to be misused like that.
  • article #20007
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    "Would you not be inclined to pay a SET price that you had previously agreed to with your favorite dancer? One of the points that I raised was, if you had already had a set price for quite some time in the past with said dancer, then why go and try and re negotiate that price with her..." I agree with you, and I think this is the basis of the discontent. If you were used to paying a set price for quite some time in the past with said dancer, but the next time you come in the dancer announces the price increases by 33%, wouldn't that cause you some concern? There was no attempt at renegotiation - the price of the service was just announced. The service didn't change - just the price. And if similar service is available from another provider at the previously agreed price, where is the decision? You suggest customers need to be loyal, but so do dancers.
  • article #17385
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    I've been coming to PP Columbia for pretty close to 6 years now. In my early days, it truly was 2 for 1 - $20 for a single dance, $20 for 2 dances. After awhile it was $20 for 1, $30 for 2 - not truly 2 for 1, but something less than $20 per dance. Now it's 2 for $40, or back to $20 per dance. I'll ignore the young ladies who ask $30 or $40 per dance, because I also ignore them in the club. Like many of the customers that are afternoon attendees, I'm retired and on a fixed income. I set aside some amount for every visit, and that's what I spend. The amount includes a rental car for the 400+ mile round trip, gas, drinks and dances. The 33% increase in prices just means I get 1/3 fewer dances. When the number of dances no longer makes it worthwhile to make the trip, I'll stop coming to the club. I'm not sure how supply and demand drives the price increases. My observation is that both supply and demand have decreased over the years - there are not as many dancers and not as many customers. I think economics has driven the demand (customer base) down; and if girls can't make money because of lack of customers, they find other employent, driving down the number of dancers - and it's a vicious circle, less dancers result in less customers. It looks to me more like price elasticity is the issue, and it looks like the industry is bumping up against some limits there.