I think I need to quit caffeine

Monday, November 21, 2022 9:08 PM
My chest fucking hurts, this is the second time recently :x


Why are you blaming caffeine, are you sure you didn't pull a muscle in your chest while stabbing somebody in a fit of rage?
a year ago
hahaha, no, this is definitely caffeine. ugh I don't feel good LOL.
a year ago
Swore it off years ago. Don't miss it. Worst thing is when somebody from Dunkin accidentally slips me a caffeinated coffee and I don't realize it until my heart starts trying to break out of my ribcage. Your tolerance disappears
a year ago
Well worst case scenario, there’s always nicotine 👀
a year ago
Maybe try Folger's half-caf?? That's all my wife and I drink.
a year ago
I don't get the nicotine comment, sorry?
a year ago
It’s another type of stimulant. Or Adderall!
a year ago
@blahblahblah23 You should try a natural alternative to coffee like Coca tea bags and coca tea powder because they offer natural energy for work, sports, study and mental stimulation. Workers in South America chew coca leaves during hard physical labor. Coca leaf helps mine workers work all day long without breaks or food. Students in Peru chew coca tea powder to study for long hours. Mountaineers and hikers use coca tea to help them climb the highest mountains, adjust to high altitude and push them beyond their natural capabilities.
a year ago
Unless you're a fan of pounding migraines, scale back slowly. I drink a lot less coffee than I used to. When I tried to go from gallons to zero several years ago, my head felt like the inside of a pressure cooker.
a year ago
Try drinking tea.
a year ago
Do it slowly though. And don't try substitutes for the feeling. They'll make you feel worse
Icee Loco (asshole)
a year ago
Hiatal hernia, not caffeine.
a year ago
Are you sure it's just the caffeine? When our body is giving off pain signals it's a message that something's not right. If you've been drinking caffeine for long time but the pains are recent, it might be something else. You're probably not in the right demographic for it to be heart issues, but it could be stress or anxiety related. It probably wouldn't hurt to have yourself checked out. If you have a mental health provider, you can raise it with that person as well. Anyway I hope you feel better.
a year ago
a year ago
^I don't think so. I only got this like right after coffee and nothing else.
a year ago
Try green tea. It has less caffeine and has a substance in it called theanine which has a relaxing effect. When I drink green tea, I have a feeling of calm alertness without the jittery feeling I get when I drink coffee.
a year ago
You may want to discuss this with your doctor instead of a strip club forum.
a year ago
^ I was about to offer that advice.
a year ago
I thought this was an advice forum for everything from politics, legal, and health.
a year ago
@bla, oh it is. Just not *good* advice. 😂
a year ago
Advice?...yes. Good advice?...not always.
a year ago
Is this on an empty stomach? Coffee is acidic as well on top of any effect the caffeine would be having. I go thru on/off periods of acid reflux and there are all kinds of triggers like chocolate.... not necessarily spicy or hot things. I've gone to a hospital thinking I was having a hat attack and they did EKG / Enzyme blood draw gave me some Pepto Bismol and said go home fool.
a year ago
Doctors are not always the best people to go to for health advice. Some of them encourage unneeded tests or push prescription drugs because they make more money that way. Twenty-five years ago, a doctor wanted to give me a prescription for a blood pressure medication. Instead, I lost thirty pounds and started exercising regularly and got my blood pressure down to normal that way. Doctors focus on treating the symptoms of a disease rather than getting people to follow a healthy lifestyle that will prevent the disease in the first place.
a year ago
Yeah, both times this has happened to me was on an empty stomach. I usually drink coffee when I am not eating or haven't ate anything lol. So maybe it is GERD idk obviously. I'll tone it down I guess to smaller coffees, black tea, soda, or decaf even LOL. Tbh yesterday my dumb ass had a diet pepsi then a large coffee :D empty stomach
a year ago
I agree about doctors suck. Years ago when I had crazy bad pain in 1 wrist I'd gone to a few doctors and several basically told me to take 9 ibuprofen a day LOL gee thanks. but that doesn't solve chronic issues. It turned out I needed physical therapy cuz I had weakness from past injuries fucking up a ligament or ligaments blahblahblah etc etc etc. The physical therapy works- I can vouch for that approach.
a year ago
More proper to just call it acid reflux rather than GERD which is more of a long term damage to the esophagus. I always try to eat a little something before I start slamming coffee. The little muscle flap at the top of your stomach can be affected by a lot of things even activity or the position of your body. BTW I love tea but, CANNOT even think about that on an empty stomach; makes me totally nauseous. Next time it happens take a slug of Pepto and if it calms right down you'll know what's happening.
a year ago
Ok I need to go out and buy some pepto then. Thanks!
a year ago
a year ago
Ugh I just had some black tea on an empty stomach. Now I feel very nauseous
a year ago
My last comment.... Sorry.
a year ago
Blah - Gerd will literally burn your throat. If you have it and get reflux, you will have a cough for a period of time after each incident. I went to the doctor for pressure in my chest a few years back - hiatal hernia mimics heart disease symptoms.
a year ago
I like tea as well as coffee. But tea on an empty stomach is a no go for me. One cup of coffee that way is, for me, ok. My point being, maybe experiment a bit? Or you could do OTC with nicespice and her unicorn thingy, like you guys discussed in that other thread. I don’t know if it would help but it might take your mind off coffee and tea.
a year ago
It might be a good idea to avoid coffee or tea on an empty stomach. Having something in your stomach to absorb things should help.
a year ago
Or you could add a little Anisette liquor to your coffee and at least you won’t worry about it. 🙃
a year ago
I dont know if caffeije can cause heart or chest pain. There is teacrine which supposedly doesnt have the tolerance buildup of caffeine. Caffeine if its the pills cause trouble sleeping for me so i avoid them. Coffee and some teas have a laxative effect. Imo its worth paying the premium for the organic ones and, using highly filtered waters like kirklands bottled waters.
a year ago
This time I had plenty of food with lots of black tea. Still slight chest pain. I will bring this concern up to my medical provider. Wanna make sure I'm not dying of heart disease lmfao. If this is heartburn, I never used to get that so I am still not sure. Gonna take some pepto cuz I don't see how it could hurt me. Fuck I'm already a senior citizen.
a year ago
===> "Doctors are not always the best people to go to for health advice. Some of them encourage unneeded tests or push prescription drugs because they make more money that way." While I do not disagree with any of this, a relatively young woman having chest pains just from drinking a cup of coffee is cause for concern. A doctor's visit and a couple of tests to be sure that her heart is OK are hardly out of line in this instance.
a year ago
I look to this site for a number of things. Medical and relationship advice are not on that list. Going to your doc for some basic peace-of-mind testing isn't a bad idea.
a year ago
>>>>?"Doctors are not always the best people to go to for health advice. Some of them encourage unneeded tests or push prescription drugs because they make more money that way." Actually they are, what you need to do is find a doctor that you trust, any doctor worth his salt would have told you to lose weight before pushing medication, sounds to me like you need a better doctor.
a year ago
^ +1 CMI. Again, I agree with everything that docsavage said about taking charge of your own health and asking questions when doctors recommend tests and medications. I have refused a few tests over the years for myself and even one invasive test for one my kids when a doctor couldn't give me a simple and clear explanation for why it was needed beyond something like "just to be safe." I've also had doctors re-write prescriptions for drugs to treat some ailments when much cheaper ones would do the trick. But using doc's example, there are a lot of functioning people who would be dead or disabled right now if they had ignored a doctor's advice to take blood pressure meds. Common sense filtering is a two way street. I have no doubt that doc's doctor also told him he needed to lose weight, but understanding that people are creatures of habit and often don't follow lifestyle advice, he prescribed blood pressure medicine to get the problem under control in the meantime. Kudos to doc for taking matters into his own hands, but he also got lucky.
a year ago
===> "Actually they are, what you need to do is find a doctor that you trust, any doctor worth his salt would have told you to lose weight before pushing medication, sounds to me like you need a better doctor." In all fairness, we don't know how high docsavage's readings were when this took place. If his blood pressure readings were coming in extremely high, it may very well have been the right call.
a year ago
If you are downing the caffeine quickly, even with something in your stomach, that can also make things feel uncomfortable. I apologize if you’ve already mentioned that you don’t chug your java.
a year ago
I've dropped caffeine 3 times over the decades. Currently off again, and have been for a couple of years. I feel MUCH better without it. Highly recommend.
a year ago
Caffeine effects the vascular system. It can worsen erection quality temporarily. If you weightlift, youll notice your veins dont bulge and pop as much if you took a big caffeine dosage. It also boosts adrenaline and cortisol temporarily
a year ago
Stomach-issues can make one feel like they're having heart issues since the stomach is right below the heart - but if ur not having any stomach-issues (burping; reflux: soft stool; etc) then either give up caffeine for a-week-or-so and see how u feel; or get checked out.
a year ago
Ye I am getting bad heartburn these days which sucks. Cuz f wat I'm supposed to do if I cant have coffee, tea, alcohol, milk?? Omg this is as bad as that vegan bullshit. 😿
a year ago
This thread scared me so I am down to a pot of coffee a day.
a year ago
^^ I’m down to a pound of bacon a day!!
a year ago
Yeah I had that burning in my throat 2 days ago and my throat still hurts. Yuck
a year ago
Blah, you may have to go cold turkey for a month or two to allow the LES to calm down and strengthen. I quit all caffeine of any form, chocolate, spicy or greasy foods..... etc..... Look up the list. I then gradually weaned myself back but, still today consume a lot less caffeine than I did. You can try a 14 day course of Prilosec and it will help but, it may come right back when you are done with the pills.
a year ago
I've had headaches and earaches on occasion. Last night I went to a strip club with really loud music. They were worse today, so I finally made the mental connection that the high-volume levels in some strip clubs are causing that. I need to start wearing ear protection and stay for shorter periods when I go to a strip club. Aspirin helps with my headaches, but I have found a combination of white willow bark, feverfew, butterbur and magnesium work better. I get those items at a health food store.
a year ago
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